doe de test en vind uit bij welke kleik je had gehoord als je op american high zat!
Dress me, I'm your manne-quin
Jean schreef: Popular People. Adôh.
You're a lover of the wild and a joker of the heart, but are you mine?
cheerleaders xd
Maybe It's not my weekend, but its gonna be my year.
cheerleaders haha.
Smiling but close to tears.
Populair people! <3 Haha, chil. Ik heb al geluk dat ik géén Cheerleader ben.
I wanna be the reason of your smile.
zo'n emo-gothic achtig mens
Have you ever had sex with a piece of fruit? Was it a melon? [Nathan Young]
Bij de nerds. :'D ahaha past wel. (:
[ bericht aangepast op 1 aug 2010 - 19:09 ]
"Stay beautiful. Keep it ugly."