• BarbieIsFAKE is mijn mini me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be jalous.

    'Jesus said love one another, He didn't say love the whole world.

    Ivy, je spamt weer. ;hihi;

    - is jaloers -


    Ivy, je spamt weer. ;hihi;

    i know, het is een soort van aangeboren ziekte.

    'Jesus said love one another, He didn't say love the whole world.

    - is jaloers -

    Jaa, Ankoe is jaloers/

    'Jesus said love one another, He didn't say love the whole world.


    ^^ this leuk om mini-me te sijn O_o x3 x3x3

    We can only learn to love by loving.


    ^^ this leuk om mini-me te sijn O_o x3 x3x3

    I know vooral van mij want ik ben super aardig,

    'Jesus said love one another, He didn't say love the whole world.