Ik heb een gedicht/songtekst voor een schoolopdracht Het moest geïnspireerd zijn door een liedje/een beetje op die melodie passen, en ik heb het liedje 'River flows in you' van Yiruma gekozen. Hier het liedje:
River flows in you
In the field of flowers
Every time when the sun goes down
she comes and dances in her gown
the moonlight shines on her golden feet
and she cries
in a painful disbelief
With every single step the world takes
her heart
and so
she falls
far away
In the field of flowers
it is she who dances all alone
under the stars
under the ceiling
of a deep blue skye
nowhere to run
nowhere to hide
never had the chance to say goodbye
now trying
to make that right
in the deepest depths of the silvery night
In the wet grass
she lays down
seven steps from the
that hides all its secrets
deep inside
longing for a warm embrace
and a sympathetic face
someone to say
that everything will be
In the field of flowers
it is she who dances all alone
under the stars
under the ceiling
of a deep blue skye
nowhere to run
nowhere to hide
never had the chance to say goodbye
now trying
to make that right
in the deepest depths of the silvery night
Tired of the tears she let out
of the words she would
like to scream
and to shout
out loud
Tired of the world that has surrounded her
for all
her life
she leaves
with the light
of the
in the field of flowers
Geïnspireerd door het lied ‘River flows in you’ door Yiruma.
Every time when the sun goes down
she comes and dances in her gown
the moonlight shines on her golden feet
and she cries
in a painful disbelief
With every single step the world takes
her heart
and so
she falls
far away
In the field of flowers
it is she who dances all alone
under the stars
under the ceiling
of a deep blue skye
nowhere to run
nowhere to hide
never had the chance to say goodbye
now trying
to make that right
in the deepest depths of the silvery night
In the wet grass
she lays down
seven steps from the
that hides all its secrets
deep inside
longing for a warm embrace
and a sympathetic face
someone to say
that everything will be
In the field of flowers
it is she who dances all alone
under the stars
under the ceiling
of a deep blue skye
nowhere to run
nowhere to hide
never had the chance to say goodbye
now trying
to make that right
in the deepest depths of the silvery night
Tired of the tears she let out
of the words she would
like to scream
and to shout
out loud
Tired of the world that has surrounded her
for all
her life
she leaves
with the light
of the
in the field of flowers
Geïnspireerd door het lied ‘River flows in you’ door Yiruma.
Als jullie het zo met elkaar vergelijken zal het voor jullie misschien helemaal niet op de melodie passen, maar in mijn hoofd heb ik dit wel X'D En aangezien ik niet kan zingen, ga ik het ook niet inzingen X'D Gheghe

[ bericht aangepast op 13 sep 2009 - 14:49 ]
Anorexia: you'll be dead before you're thin enough.