En ja hoor, vandaag is er iemand jarig^^. Vandaag wordt Julie 17 jaartjes^^. Gefeliciteerd(flower) - Ruth, Evelien, Melanie
If you had never come out of the blue, I would've stay
Gefeliciteerd ^^
Things will go as they will; and there is no need to hurry to meet them.
happy Bday!
Gelökige verjaordaag.
I'll keep you a daydream away.
Echt waar bedankt allemaal!
Your Butt is Mine!
Gefeliciteerd. <3
You'll never dream alone. <3
Happy B'Day!
hoi, jij bent leuk.
" I'm not your boyfriend, baby. "
The sun will shine like never before, in the world behind my wall. Take me there <3
Happy B-day (:
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.
Happy b-day
Het leven is te kort om je bezig te houden met dingen die je ongelukkig maken.
Happy Birthday!!!!
You are so god damn Sexy <3
If I die young, send me away with the words of a lovesong.
You move me ......... Kurt
Bedankt voor de cake, en de cadeautjes ^^ ik mega verrast <3.