• You will be :

    Cassia Dawn Shipley
    Age: 18
    Currently resides in Los Angeles
    And you a Model

    Soon, we ate cake and drank champagne. Of course, I wasn’t old enough to drink it, but it was my birthday, and everyone else was drinking much more than champagne. They could be really loud when they were drinking, especially Rob. Music was next, because this was a party, so there had to be dancing of course. I didn’t dance. I didn’t want to embarrass myself, so as the others danced on the floor, I sat on a stool, sipping my drink and watching carefully. And I was sitting there when he asked me. “Why isn’t the birthday girl dancing?” he said, his British accent more evident with the alcohol mixed in. “Umm...” Great answer, Cass. “Would the birthday girl like to dance with me?” he asked, catching me off guard. “Oh, well, um...” Oh god. Stuttering. I couldn’t be rude though. “Yes.” I slipped out as he drug me to the floor.

    Have fun reading.:)(flower)

    is het in het engelss =O ?

    ' niks is wat het zijn moet '