• * Deze RPG is een remake van Academy in the Cloakwoods door eternalsunshine. Een deel van de teksten en layout is overgenomen. De lore is gebaseerd op Forgotten Realms, de wereld van D&D (5th edition). *

    Start | Speel | Babbel | Lees

    Welkom bij de prestigieuze Cloakwood Academie in de weelderige en betoverende bossen niet ver van Baldur's Gate. Verscholen te midden van de levendige bossen en bloeiende weilanden, staat deze academie, een veilige haven van kennis en kracht voor studenten in tal van disciplines.
          Afgelopen jaar leek de Academie echter meer een plek van onzekerheden te worden en aan de valavond van het nieuwe jaar, is die spanning er nog steeds. Niet iedereen is het eens met het bewind dat de school voert, of de opleidingen die ze aanbiedt. Sommigen op school willen de Cloakwood terugbrengen naar haar origine: een plek voor magie en natuur, tot in haar zuiverste vorm. Ze willen terug naar de natuurlijke orde en daar heeft nieuwe wetenschap of brute gevechtsleer geen plek. 'Beschaving' is niets anders dan onderdrukking van de natuur.
          Zo'n beetje iedereen is zich bewust van de strubbelingen die momenteel onder bepaalde leden van het schoolbestuur plaatsvindt, maar nu beginnen ook studenten kanten te kiezen. Er gaan talloze geruchten de ronde, gaande van een infiltratie van vampiers tot gedwongen omvorming naar de cult van Bhaal. Wat is waar? Wat is een leugen? En vooral: aan welke kant sta jij?


    Alle informatie die je nodig hebt, vind je terug in de story die helemaal bovenaan gelinkt is onder 'lees'. Je maakt je rol helemaal zoals je zelf wil. Het enige dat we sowieso echt nodig hebben is: naam, leeftijd, ras, studierichting en hoe lang ze al aan Cloakwood studeren, achtergrond en eventuele geheimen. Zaken die niet in de story staan maar wel canon zijn in de Forgotten Realms/Baldurs Gate-wereld zijn voor het grootste deel toegestaan, zolang je het even in de groep gooit. Ga zo wild als je wil(d).


    [1] Ciaran Miaorlriain Charlie Keene (Half-Elf) | 25 | Onderzoeker / Dokter (4) | RSK / Marthe
    [1] Ianthe Harrowhark (Tiefling) | 22 | Onderzoeker / Historicus (4) | Dioneo / Leno
    [4] Izumi Kurohana (Half-Elf) | 22 | Onderzoeker / Spreker (3) | captainlee / Daisy

    [1] Hazlan Callyx (Half-Elf) | 23 | Magiër / Illusion - Necromancy (4) | Mazino / Mexx
    [3] Aine Ceallagh (High-(Moon-)Elf) | Leeftijd | Magiër / Divination - Illusion (3) | captainlee / Daisy
    [1] Aoth Xiao (Tiefling) | 23 | Magiër / Necromancy - Transmutation (2) | Dioneo / Leno
    [4 - t.e.m. 14/9] Jun Pare (Human) | 19 | Magiër (1) | ziggystardust / Sasha
    [4] Loarse (Wood-Elf) | 24 | Magiër / Abjuration - Evocation (3) | Fallenangel_ / Luna

    [pagina - t.e.m. 10/8] Naam personage (Wood-Elf) | Leeftijd | Druïde (leerjaar) | mysaria / Daisy

    [2] Jahlrin Eilsund (Dark-Elf) | 30 | Wapenexpert / Duellist (4) | Kishibe / Xan
    [3] Vesper Helvesz (Dark-elf) | 21 | Wapenexpert / Twee-wapen strijder (3) | ziggystardust / Sasha

    [pagina - t.e.m. datum] Naam personage (ras) | Leeftijd | Studierichting (leerjaar) | Username / Naam


    - Hier wordt niet met dobbelstenen gegooid (tenzij je dat echt wil, ik hou je niet tegen).
    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - De laatste die gereageerd heeft in een topic maakt een nieuw en maakt RSK cohost van dat topic.
    - Have fun!

    Many thanks aan eternalsunshine om de originele RPG te starten en aan Mazino voor het helpen uitwerken/vertalen/formatten van alle Forgotten Realms lore.

    [ bericht aangepast op 18 sep 2024 - 14:07 ]



    Na een semester vol spanningen, stressvolle examenperiodes en vooral heel veel geroddel, kunnen de studenten van Cloakwood Academy eindelijk ademhalen. Althans... dat hopen ze toch. In realiteit is de sfeer op het feestelijke Midwinter vooral opgelaten. Er is een duidelijke spanning onder het lerarencorps en sommigen van hen lijken niet eens meer met elkaar te spreken of negeren elkaar ronduit. Het schoolhoofd is niet eens aanwezig op het grootse Midwinterbal dat elk jaar plaatsvindt in de grote hal van het academiegebouw en ook het feestteam lijkt er niet in geslaagd te zijn de decoraties dit jaar helemaal op punt te krijgen. Toch zijn er enkelen die een poging doen om in een feeststemming te komen; hetzij omdat ze deze dag belangrijk vinden om hun god te vereren, hetzij omdat ze gewoon even aan niets anders willen denken. Midwinter is een eeuwenoude traditie met verschillende betekenissen en invullingen. Een ding is altijd hetzelfde: het is een nacht van samenzijn en dankbaarheid, maar ook van passie en vrijheid. Niet dat daar momenteel veel van te voelen is.

    Het gala gaat om klokslag middernacht van start met een walking dinner. Er is een heel buffet aan lekkernijen en een bar met voor elk wat wils. Er is weinig dat deze nacht verboden is, maar toch voelt het alsof iedereen elkaar aanstaart...


    Aoth Xiao

    23 ⸸ 3rd Year Mage † Necromancy & Transmutation ⸸ With Áine in her dormitories † Wearing this suit but it's burgundy red instead of white
    TRIGGER WARNING: domestic violence/blood

    Aoth was tapping his fingers impatiently against the dark wood of Áine's desk. The fact that they were late was the absolute least of his worries, but he hated to wait on anyone or anything. Wasting his time was an unforgivable sin that even Áine didn't have the privilege of being allowed to offend.
          The truth of it was that he didn't even want to go to the Yule festivities in the first place. Spending even more time with people he disliked seemed more like torture than a good time – although self-torture was also kind of a turn on – but then the opportunities of the night came to him.
          The entire faculty was presumed to be there, and if Aoth were to believe the rumors, something fun would probably stir up between some of them. And if it didn't, he had some tricks up his sleeve to turn the evening... eventful.
          The duration of Aoths aggressive finger-tapping had made his fingertips bleed slightly by the time the doors to the lavatories opened and his girlfriend was bound to emerge. He quickly stood up from the velvet chair he'd been sitting on and strode over to her. Halfway across the way, though, he stopped in his tracks.
          First, it was awe. She looked – ironically – heavenly in her light colored dress. Her almost translucent skin and the whiteness of her hair, had turned her into an angelical being. His mouth fell a bit open. But then, he noticed the cleavage. The sheerness of the fabric. The dress left absolutely nothing to the imagination. His temper turned into rage.
          He snapped his mouth shut, clenched his jaw and angrily closed the distance between them. His left hand clasped her wrist tightly as he pulled her back inside the lavatories – not caring there were others there still getting ready. He didn't even notice the blood of his fingernails trickling down her wrist, a drop falling onto her dress.
          ''No,'' he spit, breathing heavily, and motioned aggressively towards her figure. ''You're not going out in that, I forbid it.''
          He could only imagine what the other students might think of her, might think of wanting to do with her, to her. Only because he imagined it too. But he was allowed to. She was his. Not anyone else's.

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 aug 2024 - 19:19 ]

    kindness is never a burden.



    .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

    Post I • Drow • Year III • Two-weapon fighter • Crystal Caverns • Wearing • Great Hall • Alone

    Fucking Midwinter.
          Vesper had lost count of how many times she had said that in the past few days. The ball seemed like something only sentimental humans or soppy elves would enjoy. She herself had no taste for nostalgic nights of dancing and small talk. It was an embarrassing get-together, really. And yet, Vesper was currently wearing a dress and on her way to the Great Hall. Dear Lolth, if her mother could see her now, she’d rip her head off in an instant. “You’ve grown soft, spending too much time with the Grounders,” her matron mother would spit. “More of this, and you’re a disgrace to the family and to our Queen.” Vesper clenched her teeth. Mother’s imaginary speech was right. She had grown soft. After dragging Ianthe to the Underdark with her this summer, she felt like she… she.... owed her something. The thought alone was already absurd; the feeling was out of this world. Owing someone? Owing a tiefling? She had truly gone mad. There was no other explanation for her behaviour.

          To Ianthe her credit, a summer in the Underdark with the Helvesz family wasn’t for the faint-hearted—or for anyone outside the family, really. They berated Ianthe, made comments about her horns behind her back to Vesper, and sarcastically warned her not to get lost wandering around the Underdark. It had been a bit of a shitshow, but Vesper wasn’t surprised. She knew her family, and honestly, she hadn’t expected them to be nice. Ianthe might have gray skin that Vesper loved to place small kisses all over, but she was still no drow. She was an outsider, and for that, Vesper’s family looked down on her. That wasn’t the surprising part. What was surprising, though, was that it didn’t diminish Vesper’s feelings for her. If anything, it made them stronger. It was sickening.

          Vesper had tried so hard to keep this thing with Ianthe under control. Last year, it had already begun slipping through her fingers. Sure, it was all whispers and hidden in the shadows, but she should have just stopped seeing her altogether. But now, after this summer, things were a disaster. Their connection was no longer part of the hidden world of the Academy but out in the open for everyone to see. The whole school was now a witness to her becoming weak and soft. The worst part? Vesper enjoyed it. She loved parading Ianthe around, showing off what was hers, boasting about her to anyone who wanted to hear.

          So that was why she was wearing a black dress that only slightly covered her body as she walked into the Hall. Golden chains adorned her hips, golden bracelets wrapped around her arms, and a golden necklace rested on her neck. She had even somewhat tried to look nice. Sickening, sickening, sickening. The dress and jewelry were one thing, but she hadn't completely lost her ways, so there were two daggers strapped to her thighs. A ball was no excuse to leave your weapons behind; after all, the mages didn’t, so why should she?
          As Vesper walked in, she immediately sensed something in the air, and it sure as hell wasn’t the smell of food. Tension hung thick among the students and staff, curling the corners of her lips into a smirk. Having grown up amid the ever-tense power struggles of drow in the Underdark, Vesper knew the feeling of a dangerous night. With a look of disdain, she shoved an unknown first-year out of her way to reach the buffet, stacking her plate with whatever caught her eye. At the bar, she grabbed a glass of hard liquor and settled herself at the edge of the room. From there, she could watch for Ianthe’s arrival and seek out chances to stir the tension.
          Maybe it would be an interesting Midwinter after all.

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 sep 2024 - 11:38 ]




    mage • divination and illusion • moonelf • 21 • dress and hair • with aoth • lunar tower
    TRIGGER WARNING: domestic violence/blood

    Her boyfriend stopped halfway in his path over towards her. His pleased expression only stayed on for a few seconds, quickly changing into frustration. More than that, really. He marched the last few steps, gone his casual saunter. Forcefully he dragged her back into the bathroom.
          ''No,'' Ao snapped, gesturing at her dress. ''You're not going out in that, I forbid it.''
          To no avail Aine tried to pry her wrist loose. His fingers wrapped around her wrist too tightly, no doubt leaving a bruise behind for the days to come. She peered up at his face full of rage. “You are utterly overreacting,” Aine sighed dramatically, after rolling her eyes. One could see the outline of her legs, but it truly wasn’t much more than that. “Besides, I’m not wearing this dress for you.”
          She absolutely adored Midwinter and dressing-up for it. Honouring all the deities she believed in, especially her favourites. Sehanine, Goddess of Moonlight, for whom she was wearing a dress covered in constellations. The golden colour of her dress for Hanali, Goddess of Love. The one she had prayed to many nights as a teenager – and after all her dramatic break-ups –, to pretty please please please give her an earthshattering love. Her answers the question ‘what do you want to do when you grow up?’ had always been fleeting, differing every time. Yet, becoming a priestess for Hanali was the only answer that made reappareances. Especially now that Hanali finally seemed to have granted her wish, with Aoth.
          Her eyes drifted back to his hand around her wrist, blood dripping from his fingertips. She was near tempted to lick up his blood, purely for his reaction to it. “I have an idea…” As the youngest child of a big family, she had learned plenty of tricks. Aine stepped on her tippytoes, pecked Aoth on the lips and ripped free her wrist with all strength she could muster. “Come, follow me.” Her voice a command, as she walked back in to the bedroom that she shared Loarse and Ianthe.
          She riffled through all the dresses in her closet, which were plenty. There was not an opportunity she let go by if there was even the slightest chance of wearing a pretty dress. That was the one benefit of being stuck at the Academy for four years: she had more space for all her clothing. And she had hoarded quite a bit, in the past two years. She did not yet want to think about what she would need to do with it all if she’d go back to travelling.
          Having found was she was looking for, Aine turned back towards Aoth, dress in hand. She had worn it a few years ago to a full moon celebration for Hanali. Showing more skin than she was currently wearing. “You can pick,” she smiled sweetly, the feigned picture of innocence.
          She stepped closer to him and held out her wrist. “Oh, and what do you think of my new perfume? I made it with the flowers you gave me.”


    [ bericht aangepast op 4 sep 2024 - 21:35 ]

    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all

    Aoth Xiao

    23 ⸸ 3rd Year Mage † Necromancy & Transmutation ⸸ With Áine in her dormitories † Wearing this suit but it's burgundy red instead of white
    TRIGGER WARNING: just assume there's always something triggering in aoth posts maybe

    ''You are utterly overreacting. Besides, I’m not wearing this dress for you.'' Áine had replied. And it had not been a good reply. Aoth was seething. If not for him, than who? Surely not that boring, annoying first year, Jun. Aoth had seen how the mage had ogled his little beady snake eyes at Izumi, so would Áine be next, then?
          The urge to cast a spell was almost too much to bear. Would he just chain Áine to a chair or her bed, so she couldn't attend the party at all? Or cast a disguise spell on her, so nobody would see the dress she's wearing? It would be all too easy to do either of those things, but then she kissed him on his cheek and Aoth deflated a little. Submissiveness, loyalty, faithfulness. Those were the things he needed to see reflected in her.
          And then she ripped her wrist from his grip and he felt his too-long-nails scratch over the soft surface of her skin, no doubt leaving a bloody trail. ''Come, follow me,'' she ordered and walked back into the dormitory.
          He had no choice but to follow her, but it was more like a starving lion than a lovesick puppy. At least Ianthe has already left, Aoth thought to himself. That meddling know-it-all was a pain in his ass and he preferred Áine without the extension of Ianthe next to her.
          Áine was going through her things, seemingly looking for something specific.
          ''Ai, whatever you think you are doing, just stop because you're making a –'' he stopped mid sentence as he stared at the dress she was holding out for him. The anger turned into annoyance turned into a simple I-am-so-done-with-you-face. The second dress was so much worse and the fact that Aoth could tell from Áine's expression that she knew how much worse it was and still chose to present it – well. He. Did. Not. Like. It.
          In the end, he granted her a half defeated smile and he pulled her close to him, placing one hand on her lower back and the other around the wrist she was holding out to him.
          ''Oh, and what do you think of my new perfume? I made it with the flowers you gave me.'' She asked. He planted a kiss on her lips, forcefully and short. The 'flowers' he had given her, had been toxic flowers like wolfsbane and oleander and he'd stolen them from the restricted area of the Greenhouse. It had been an attempt to kill her cat, which sadly, as he now learned, had failed. Though, a nice smelling girlfriend wasn't that bad either.
          ''Lovely,'' he answered and smiled, almost earnestly, before dropping the smile again. ''Let's fucking go then?''

    Aoth hated Midwinter. What even was the bloody point? Everyone dressing up and spending all that time with the decorations. Praying to whatever god they believed in and in a couple of hours it would be over and everyone would return to their dormitories. Aoth knew one thing, he was not returning to his dormitory tonight. Bhaal didn't crave the kind of adoration Midwinter could offer anyway.
          They were walking through the Academy halls towards the Great Hall. His arm was loosely draped over her shoulder as he lazily slapped at festive strings spanning the width of the hallway. Behind them was a trail of glitter and popped balloons. He was waiting on Áine to berate him for his childish behavior, so he could simply ignore her.
          ''D'you reckon professor Maloxy will be there?'' He asked Áine after a while, almost bored, but also tired of the silence. He was referring to an incident which had happened earlier that week, involving their arcane professor and the Headmaster. It had resulted in Maloxy storming out of the classroom angrily, and a suspension of all classes that afternoon. Aoth hadn't complained.

    kindness is never a burden.



    ─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

    Post I • Human • Year I • Mage • Verdant Grove • Wearing • Great Hall • with Izumi

    Izumi couldn’t have been more different from him, Jun thought as he approached the black-haired halfelf.
          She carried herself with a confidence that he could only dream of. It wasn’t that he lacked self-assurance entirely—he was just... uncomfortable. After three months at the Academy, the initial novelty had faded, but Jun still felt like an awkward insect, crawling halfway out of his cocoon. He was in a strange in-between phase, no longer a caterpillar but not yet a butterfly. Izumi, on the other hand, knew exactly who she was, radiating a beauty that was entirely her own. Jun was grateful to have her as a friend. Sometimes he wished a bit of her confidence would rub off on him. Had she ever felt this out of place herself, when she just arrived at the Academy?
          "You look amazing," Jun complimented Izumi, pulling her into a light embrace. She wore a black dress with red gloves, looking as though the outfit had been made just for her. "Shall we go?" They had agreed to go to the dance together—not together-together, but as friends. Jun thought it was nice. This year would be the first time he’d celebrate Midwinter without his twin sister, and he felt incomplete.

    They walked in silence for a while. Jun took in the decorations. It sure is nothing like home, he thought. His family was wealthy enough to splurge on extravagant Midwinter decorations each year. Even if they weren’t so fortunate, Jun knew his father would still make the effort to fill their home with festive cheer. At the Academy, though, it seemed like they hadn’t even tried.
          When they arrived at the Great Hall, the feeling persisted. Everything seemed a little off, though Jun had nothing to compare it to—this was his first Midwinter at the Academy, after all. Still, he had expected a school as prestigious as the Academy to put in a bit more effort. He shrugged it off when he saw the banquet spread. "Oh!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Wait here, I’ll get us something nice." Jun weaved through the crowd of students, making his way to the food tables. It was packed, but he managed to position himself by the dessert section—exactly where he wanted to be.

    A wide variety of pastries and cakes were laid out on silver platters, and Jun felt his mouth water. Without paying much attention to the people around him, he began loading honeycakes and candied fruits onto a plate. Just as he was nearly finished, someone shoved him hard, and he barely managed to keep hold of his plates.       “Whoa, sorry!” he apologized instinctively, unsure if he had bumped into the other person or vice versa. But when he looked up, his eyes met the cold gaze of Vesper, the drow. Probably had a rough day, Jun thought, brushing off the rude behavior as he often did.
          "Look!" Jun beamed as he proudly showed the plates of desserts to Izumi. "Now, let’s grab a glass of fruit water and get this party started." He had learned that Izumi never drank alcohol the first night they met in Baldur’s Gate. While most students tended to get hammered at school feasts, Jun never pressed her for reasons. He was perfectly happy sipping bubbly fruit water with his friend if it meant spending time with her.

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 sep 2024 - 11:39 ]




    researcher • speaker • halfelf • 23 • dress • with jun

    Izumi carried a mild case of hatred towards Midwinter. None of the supposed Gods or Goddesses had ever done anything for her. So why should she worship them, or even do anything else for them? If it weren’t for Jun, whom she was going with, she would’ve skipped it all together. She never lasted more than thirty minutes normally, at this ridiculous fest.
          “Well, you are finally dressed appropriately for the situation,” she teased lazily, as Jun opened the door of his dorm. Jun tended to never be dressed for the occasion, with his neat blouses. Always overdressed. It was endearing. He was dressed entirely dressed in black that night. The only pop of colour between them, were her red, sheer gloves and her red painted lips. Her eyes made-up a touch darker than she normally did. The black dress was simple, with a high split to her upper thigh. She had found it in the summerbreak, in some dodgy shop in Baldurs Gate. It without a doubt had owners before, but she never minded that much.

    She loosely hooked her arm through his, her fingers grazing his upperarm, walking to The Great Hall together.
          “This is… cheerful,” Izumi deadpanned. From all the parties that had taken place in The Great Hall over the past years, it had never looked so tragically depressing. It was enough for even her to raise her eyebrows. And that was only talking about the decorations. There was something else lingering in the hall. As if something were about to happen, a sense of unrest. It put her on immediate high alert, but before she could make a comment about it to Jun, he already was already skipping towards the banquet. Vesper nearly knocked him over. She would have to tell the drow later to play nice to Jun.

    She was glad that Jun was the one to head over towards the table with food. Seeing large amounts of food always made her stomach churn, thinking of the times they did not have much to spend. Being away from home, it made her wonder how her sisters were doing. Whether the elderly lady she asked to look at for them, was actually doing that. She had been doing so for over two years, but Izumi wasn’t keen on trusting people to stick to their promises. Which is why she had also asked two of the bounders of the club to keep an eye on them, making them stay out of trouble and also ensuring that trouble would not find them. Especially should a certain someone show up.
          A slight smile appeared on her face when she spotted the plate in his hands, filled to the brim with honey cakes. The sweet cakes had been her favourite for years. Always when they had a little bit more money to spend, she would get her sisters and herself honey cakes as a little treat. The proud smile on Jun’s face would almost make her believe that he had made the cakes himself. “Look!. Now, let’s grab a glass of fruit water and get this party started.” Oh, Jun.
    “You don’t need to stay sober on my account, Junie.” He had never asked her why she didn’t drink, neither had he pushed for her to do it. She appreciated it more he would ever know. She took of her red gloves, gently pulling at the tips, and popped one of the small cakes in her mouth. Her eyes closed for a few seconds, savouring the taste and nostalgic memories that came with it. “You’re a doll for getting these.” To him, from his family with its riches, it must be a simple treat. For her, it came close to a blessing. Who needed Gods and Goddesses anyway, if you had cake?

    Her eyes studied the crowd, noting the one thing she possibly disliked more than Midwinter. Xiao had just entered the hall with his current girlfriend, a willowy moonelf. Her eyes darkened. It hadn’t been a very pleasant surprise when he had suddenly appeared at the Academy, over three months ago now. Even less so that she had to share a dorm room with him.
          “Do me a favor, and stay from Xiao tonight, alright?” she told Jun, popping another bite of cake in her mouth.


    [ bericht aangepast op 9 sep 2024 - 21:51 ]

    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all



    mage • divination and illusion • moonelf • 21 • dress and hair • with aoth • great hall
    TRIGGER WARNING: domestic violence/blood

    It was dangerous, yet she smiled contently when Ao gave up on his protests. She won this one. It might come to bite her in the ass later, but for now she didn’t care for that. If he disliked her dress that much, he should just buy one for her, for the next festivity.
          “Lovely. Let’s fucking go then?” he said impatiently, after a forceful kiss.
          “Almost, just a tad longer” The drop of blood he had left on her dress hadn’t gone unnoticed. Aine beamed a smile at Ao and stepped away from him, taking a few minutes to cut out the bloodred spot. Carefully sowing the ends of her dress back together. Only upon close examination one could see something was a little bit off. She definitely noticed, at least. It made her blood coil, fingers digging into the palm of her hand as she stared at it for a good minute.
          A deep intake of air and a collection of golden bracelets around her wrist followed, covering up the bruise that Ao had left behind, together with the scratches of his long nails.
          And last up… Aine took a clean piece of cloth, gently took a hold of Ao’s hand, and cleaned up the blood from his nails. He would no longer be bleeding all over the place. Or on her dress.

    “This is just… sad,” she sighed, “and pathetic.” Her voice was filled with disappointed, a frown on her face. She looked forward to Midwinter each year, loving all the activities. It had been one of her favourite parts of travelling in Faerun. Folks celebrated it a tad differently everywhere and she revelled in discovering the different ways in which it was celebrated, which deities were honoured. At the Academy it all came together, the different cultures. The abundance of decorations. “Stop it!” She slapped Ao’s arm when he popped yet another balloon. “It already looks so dreadful, no need to make it look worse. I should join the comite next year, I can do a much better job.” Ianthe definitely needed to join as well. Her friend was much better at planning than she was.

    “D'you reckon professor Maloxy will be there?” Ao sounded bored.
          Her frown deepened. Who even cared whether the professors showed up, or not. Aoth did, apparently. He truly was a bit of a weirdo. Aine had heard a story about the arcane professor storming out his own class. Though she definitely was a lover of dramatics, it seemed rather unfair that the professors could just do that and if she did the same the Academy terrain, she got detention. “I am not aware of the professor’s social calender, so I really wouldn’t know.” She shrugged. “I don’t see the headmaster either yet, though.” Aine smiled mischievously at Ao. “What do you make of that? Normally he is always present at the celebrations.”
    Her eyes searched the crowd, looking for his imposing stature. Instead, she found Vesper. The smile on her face was wiped away instantly. Since the start of the year, she had barely spoken to her former girlfriend. Every time the drow entered the dorm room to visit Ianthe, she left, not needing to see their public display of affection. It surprised her though, to not see her together with Ianthe, with how she had been parading the thiefling around in the past few months. If there was a time to show off your partner, it was now. Aine’s grip on Ao’s arm tightened, her fingers digging in.
          “I need a drink,” she declared. More than one, preferably. Her hand slid over his arm, finding his hand. With his hand clutched in hers, they flounced over to the drinks banquet. One glass of firewine for Ao, one for herself. Demonstratively, she turned her back promptly towards Vesper.
          “So… are you doing something for your God afterwards?” She doubted that he would do something during the current fest. “Can I help you with it?” She peered up at him curiously, more than intrigued. Enthranced. “I promise I’ll be of good use.” It was no secret to her that her he followed a forbidden deity, and she had never been to a celebration of one.


    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all

    H A R R O W H A R K

    Tiefling ✧ 22 ✧ Year 4 ✧ History Researcher ✧ With Loarse in the Great Hall ✧ Wearing

    The festivities of Midwinter were more a must than a want to Ianthe. Her family had never really spent much time dwelling on the holiday, and when they had, it'd been in service of her mothers business. Nonetheless, seeing the Great Hall all decorated and filled with finely dressed students and their dates brought her a little joy. Maybe it was due to the rising tensions the new school year had brought with, or the fact her new public relationship with Vesper wasn't the dream she'd hoped it would be. Still, she'd asked her mother to design her a dress, and she'd gotten ready at the dormitories with Áine and Loarse, and it was with the latter she was walking over to the Great Hall now.
          She glanced over to her red-headed elf roommate and wondered if Loarse also would prefer to spend the night at the library instead of being among their peers. Her roommate was a quiet one, and Ianthe still knew little about her. She didn't even know if Loarse would be worshipping a god this evening or if she was just here for her own entertainment.
          When they stepped through the grand doors of the hall, Ianthes eyes immediately found Vesper in a corner of the room. Her long slender fingers were playing with a glass filled with a dark substance and she had a filled plate of food in front of her but it didn't look like she'd touched it yet. Her girlfriend looked like a vision in the revealing black gown and Ianthe's body ached to be near her. It was like her body was moving forward towards Vesper, but her feet remained where they were, so Ianthe had to catch herself before she tripped and fell. Instead, she just stumbled a little and grabbed Loarse's arm to steady herself.
          ''Sorry,'' Ianthe whispered to her roommate. ''Just a little dizzy, I suppose. Shall we get a drink or do you want to fill up a plate first before all the good stuff's gone?''


    [ bericht aangepast op 15 sep 2024 - 12:39 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Aoth Xiao

    23 ⸸ 3rd Year Mage † Necromancy & Transmutation ⸸ With Áine in her Great Hall † Wearing this suit but it's burgundy red instead of white

    Aoth ignored Áine's reprimand as he destroyed some more of the ugly, useless decoration in the hallway. He also ignored it when she raved about wanting to join the committee next year. If she wanted to do boring shit, that was her choice.
          He rolled his eyes when she noted she didn't know the professor's social calendar. Such a buzzkill. Sometimes he thought about involving her in some of his schemes, but then she would prove she lacked dedication and imagination so he'd drop the notion.
          As they arrived at the Great Hall, it was just after midnight, and the room wasn't yet fully filled with the entire student body. Aoth saw the drow Vesper Helvesz, his one time one-night-stand turned kind-of-ally in a corner, her girlfriend Ianthe and their roommate Loarse just a few paces away. Even from this distance Aoth sensed the tension between the tiefling and the drow. He didn't like Ianthe at all; too often she'd tried to persuade Áine to break up with him. Seeing her now so miserable made him smile and an idea crept into his head. A way to make her even more miserable perhaps...
          His eyes found Izumi next. She looked ravishing in her tight dress, and Aoths first instinct was to tear away the ribbon around her thigh with his teeth. And then he saw Jun next to her and his eyes turned into daggers. She turned her head towards them, as they passed through the doors and for a second Aoth and Izumi made eye contact. But then he looked away, almost bored and removed his arm from Áine's shoulders and placed it around her waist instead, pulling her closer. He placed a kiss on her head and took in her smell. She smelled like innocence.
          It took Aoth a second to realize Áine had asked him something. He looked at her quizzically but then his brain did its thing and he remembered. The headmaster, yes. Aoth smirked. ''Maybe it's the arcane lock I put on his door that's preventing him.'' It wasn't a lie, he had put the spell there that morning. ''Or maybe someone's killed him.'' His eyes widened with entertainment and he winked at her.
          He continued scanning the room, searching for one Charlie Keene now. Their reunion half a year ago had been a very pleasant one for Aoth. If he closed his eyes, he could still feel the knife Charlie had been holding, pushing against his throat. He couldn't deny it had turned him on a little. Their meetings since had been scarce and Aoth wondered if Charlie was avoiding him on purpose. Aoth certainly wasn't. He kind of ached to see the half-elf now, a strange feeling he couldn't quite place.
          Again, Áine pulled Aoth back to her present by digging her fingers into his arm. The sharp feeling that moved through his body was almost like a drug to him.
          ''I need a drink,'' she said and Aoth was all too happy to oblige. He followed her - or rather, she pulled him - over to where there was a collection of drink readily available for them. He accepted the glass of wine Áine held out for him, but didn't drink from it. Instead he dropped his hand with the glass in it, put his index finger in it and slowly made circles in the glass. Sadly, Áine had already cleaned the blood of his fingernails before they'd left her dormitories.
          ''So… are you doing something for your God afterwards? Can I help you with it? I promise I'll be of good use.''
          Aoth looked at her with a raised eyebrow. He didn't recall her ever offering to join in on his prayer before - if you could even call it that. Yet, she had shown interest in it before, even though he didn't think she knew what god he worshipped, or rather, was an offspring of. The Church of Bhaal had few rules when it came to worship - one murder every ten days sufficed, yet Aoth was often an overachiever. He longed to become the Chosen of Bhaal, and maybe one day a God in his own right. Aoth doubted Áine would be prepared for this, though.
          ''Don't you have your own thing to do?'' he replied. ''For whatever god it is you worship?'' He didn't actually know what religion she followed, he never paid too much attention when she talked about it. Whether it was Mystra or Lathander or Tymora, Aoth couldn't care less.
          He leaned back against the table, still not drinking from the cup of wine. What would happen if he allowed Áine to join tonight, he wondered. The planned meeting with a Zhentarim spy in the black forest a little off of the school grounds wasn't scheduled until early in the morning and before that, he'd have to deal with the tied up first year he'd left in that forbidden passageway in the dungeon. Áine was too soft for any of it, and he still didn't really trust her enough. Last thing he needed now was for his moonelf girlfriend to go running or screaming in the middle of the night. Someone like Vesper he could use, or maybe even Izumi, but not beautiful Áine. She was too pretty to get hurt anyway.
          ''I'd rather just watch you instead,'' he said casually, but didn't look at her. His eyes kept moving through the crowd, looking for interesting faces. ''What even is it that you do?''

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 sep 2024 - 12:38 ]

    kindness is never a burden.


    wood-elf • 24 • mage • year 3 • abjuration - evocation • lunar tower • with Ianthe in the great hall

    Another Midwinter to stand in the shadows and observe her fellow students. Loarse wasn't particularly looking forward to the Midwinter festivities because she could just feel, and almost smell, the tension between certain students. Studying at the Academy felt like she was constantly being watched by everyone and judged for any weakness or emotion she might show. That's why Loarse mostly kept to herself, because she just felt exhausted putting on a mask and pretending she did not have any emotions, feelings or passions when in fact she had so many. She just wanted to roam freely around the Academy, study in the library, have some friendly conversations with her fellow students and be at peace. That was however an illusion. The only two people she felt somewhat at peace with were Ianthe and Aine, her fellow roommates. Unfortunately they associated with Vesper and Aoth and she did not want to be on their radar, because hell she felt like they could wreak some havoc and that was a big "no" for her.

    She just wanted to have a quiet night, eat some food and maybe dance a little with her roomie Ianthe. If someone however gave her the option of going to the library, or literally any place else, she would gladly take that offer. By the looks of it Ianthe would also rather be somewhere else. She couldn't blame her, especially when she saw that viper Vesper standing at the edge of the room with a drink in her hand and a poisonous look on her beautiful, but scary, face. She felt so sorry for Ianthe and sometimes told her that the drow was bad for her, but she also didn't want to tell her roomie what do to do or whom to spend time with. It was her decision. Loarse sometimes wished she could properly stand up for Ianthe and just knock Vesper down, but she was no fighter and the only damage she could do was hit someone with a book or maybe a tree. She looked at Ianthe and all of a sudden she grabbed her arm to steady herself. ''Just a little dizzy, I suppose. Shall we get a drink or do you want to fill up a plate first before all the good stuff's gone?'. That certainly was a good idea, because she was starving and maybe also because she saw Jun standing by the banquet. Maybe she had a little crush on him or maybe she didn't (keep telling yourself that), but she definitely liked the quiet and broody types. She saw Izumi standing beside him and she wondered if they were friends or lovers. If the latter was the case she wasn't about to intervene, because she kinda admired Izumi and her "I don't give a fuck attitude". Oh well the best thing to do was to try to enjoy this evening with Ianthe so she turned to her and said "Let's get some food and find a quiet spot".

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 nov 2024 - 18:50 ]

    Funny thing is, all I ever wanted I already had

    woepsie ging ff mis haha

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 sep 2024 - 13:04 ]

    Funny thing is, all I ever wanted I already had

    en nog een keer, wantja digibeet life

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 sep 2024 - 13:14 ]

    Funny thing is, all I ever wanted I already had

    𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊 𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖓𝖊


    For some reason, Charlie's head wasn't in it today. He'd gotten up with a headache, spent about a whole hour and a half scouring the library for a book he apparently already had in his possession, and created a small explosion in the greenhouse when he'd accidentally mixed in the wrong ingredient while making antiseptic. Someone had changed the labels, so Charlie refused to give himself the blame. Not that that helped with the chemical burn he had on his forearm.
          After having gotten rid of the faulty mixture, having cleaned up the mess he'd made (there was a considerable hole in one of the workbenches, now, but luckily Charlie had been alone at the time, and there was nothing he'd left behind that could point in his direction), assessing and fixing the damage on his arm as well as he could (he hadn't been able to find the ingredients he needed for a restorative spell, so a thorough rinse, aloe and a bandage would have to do), made a mess of his dorm because, no, he could not find that damn book he was looking for, and messing it up even further because the mess he'd already made, had rendered him unable to find his decent clothes for tonight's ball. Not that he really had decent clothes. He had one not-quite-white shirt that at least didn't have any blood on it, a brown waistcoat that had various patches on the lining because he'd had it since he was sixteen because he was still the same size he'd been back then, and matching brown pants he'd also owned since he'd been sixteen and were just not ripping at the seams. At least the modest green jacket, embroidered with vines and leaves, was relatively new. It needed a press, though, because Charlie had for whatever reason stored it in a crumpled-up ball beneath his bed.
          When he'd gathered his clothes, there'd been no more time for a bath, so Charlie washed up as well as he could at the sink, paid due attention to get his hair in somewhat-presentable shape, gave Mr. and Mrs. Pippin something to eat, got dressed, and found his way to the festivities. He lingered in the doorway for a minute, the smell of fresh food wafting towards him. His stomach rumbled, and he realised he hadn't eaten since this morning.
          Charlie took a moment to move his gaze over the crowd inside, uncomfortable at the thought of having to mingle. He spotted Aoth, a bit further away, clinging to the poor girl that had the misfortune of being his girlfriend, and pushed away the urge to march up to them both, tell Aine that her boyfriend was an evil asshole and drag her to some safer place. It wasn't up to him to save anyone from bad decisions, but Aoth was the type of person in Charlie's life that made him paranoid. Every single thing the guy did was suspicious, but Charlie refused to give him the pleasure of seeing that suspicion in Charlie's eyes. It was a distrust that bordered on obsessive; almost desperate.
          Charlie tore his eyes away from the jerk who'd ruined his life and leaned against the frame of the big, double doors, crossing his arms while picking out other familiar faces that gave him less the urge to vomit. Maybe he should just go back to his dorm and spend the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Pippin instead.

    [ bericht aangepast op 18 sep 2024 - 14:46 ]



    Hazlan Callyx

    Hazlan was, like every year, actually looking forward to the midwinter ball. Sure, it was not for the reasons other people in the school liked the midwinter ball, but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy the party. No, he didn't care one bit for the festivities or the food or the dancing, but oh boy people went all out for midwinter and there was always something new to learn about someone and if there one thing Haz couldn't get enough of, it was learning new things about people. An easy smile had settled on his face the whole day, some had come up to him asking what his plans were for the night and he had indulged them by actually answering. Even laughing about how he couldn't dance so they shouldn't have too much expectations of him. He wore the same dark green suit he always wore for these kinds of things. It was nothing special, but it was well cared for and with that kept in nice condition. Totally not because it was the only formal outfit he had, no he just really liked this particular suit and had no need for getting a new one. Not that anyone actually cared what someone else was wearing, and if they did Hazlan had no need for business with them.
    A skeletal snake slithered from the inside of his jacket towards his shoulders, resting easily around his collar. Normally he kept his pet hidden most of the time, but today he took less control over where pet was allowed to go. If they wanted to move and slither around his body, that was okay to the mage. The beast was not huge by any means, being just under a meter in length, but it still tended to unsettle people which was hilarious to Haz.

    Making his way from the bar with a simple alcoholic beverage in his hand, Hazlan looked around the room. He spotted Charlie at the entrance, staring at Aoth and his fling before quickly looking away. The researcher did have the best people-watching spot. Hazlan looked around again, but nobody that was more interesting stood out among the crowd that was slowly gathering. A quick trip back to the bar got him another drink before Hazlan made his way to the short guy before Charlie could rethink his decision to come here. The half-elf easily settled next to the door against the wall, handing the extra drink to Charlie before sipping on his own. So far, he had been nice to the guy, accommodating even, trying to indulge in the interests of the researcher and get him to be his friend, but their time in the academy was slowly getting to an end and after this year their relationship wouldn't matter anymore anyways.
    "You are allowed to come in and speak to him, you know?" he said softly, just audible over the noise of the room, his tone revealing that Hazlan knew exactly who Charlie had been looking at. He didn't know their relationship, but the time Charlie had looked at Aoth and the way he had turned away had said enough to suggest there was something. Hazlan peered out over the crowd again, never making direct eye contact with the other half-elf.

    Great Hall ❙ Charlie
    23 ❙ Half-elf
    Mage ❙ Year 4

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 sep 2024 - 23:33 ]

    Do it scared, but do it anyway.