• Videogames, D&D, bordspellen, truth or dare of gewoon lekker verstoppertje in het park... Wat heb jij het laatst gespeeld?


    PC: Bleach Brave Souls

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    PS5; Disney Dreamlight Valley

    Life is a beautiful struggle

    Pc: Starfield

    Mn vriend en ik vechten over wie wanneer mag spelen 😂

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 sep 2023 - 19:16 ]


    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    PC: Skyrim. Voor de 1000e keer (fish)

    Caution first, always.

    Stardew Valley

    PS5; Baldur's Gate 3

    Life is a beautiful struggle

    PC: Enderal: Forgotten Stories

    Caution first, always.

    Xbox one: Assassin's Creed Mirage

    The Walking Dead Game, season 2, PS5

    ars moriendi

    Nintendo Switch: Picross S

    Caution first, always.


    [ I will always love you ]

    PS5: Honkai Star Rail

    PC: Guild wars 2
    PS5: Slay the spire

    If only humans could have vertical asymptotes ~ Quinn

    PS5; Disney Dreamlight Valley

    Life is a beautiful struggle