• Youtubefilmpjes graag tussen een quote zou zetten. Anders ontregelt de site.

    Korn - Kidnap the Sandyclaws

    mortui vivos docent

    Love Lies - Khalid ft. Normani

    Life is a beautiful struggle

    All time low - Weightless

    If only humans could have vertical asymptotes ~ Quinn

    Under Pressure - Logic

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Bayonetta OST - Mysterious Destiny.

    Caution first, always.

    "Move Together" by James Bay

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Without me, his world will go on turning. A world that's full of happiness, that I have never known

    Dirty Flesh - Token

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Beatrice Eli - Girls.

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —

    Undefeated - KB

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Foxlane - Up Right.

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —

    Oxton schreef:
    Foxlane - Up Right.

    Chill Bill - Rob $tone

    [ bericht aangepast op 18 april 2018 - 21:52 ]

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Ugh, such a masterpiece.

    [ bericht aangepast door een moderator op 20 april 2018 - 19:18 ]

    What’s tasty in Busan?

    Naar bijzondere gesprekken in de trein.

    "Nice is different than good." CORPSEHUSBAND > SCORPIO

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —