Hotchiss schreef:
Ik ben 5 lol.
M'n broertje is 9, verdomme. :')
Type 1: their phone background is of themselves
Type 2: their phone background is of their significant other
Type 3: their phone background is of themselves and their partner; a couple
Type 4: their phone background is of a couple, usually fanart of an otp or a show couple
Type 5: their phone background is of their favourite character
Type 6: their phone background is some really fancy art or quirky/minimalistic kind of thing
Type 7: their phone background is of their pet
Type 8: their phone background is of their family or friends
Type 9: their phone background is one of those stupid shitty backgrounds that are already part of the phone and they never bothered to change it
ik ben. ik weet niet eens wie ik ben tbh zo on vaak kijk ik op mijn telefoon maar mijn lockscreen op mn telefoon is een quote van skam die me brak en de normale achtergrond is van isak en eVEN AHA DOEI dus op telefoon ben ik 4 en 5. en 6. en op mijn laptop heb ik: een foto van isak met 'i gasped....Snake' en een fucking foto van fake shitpost speelgoed omdat ik trash ben
He cannot pass by without touching and moving and shaping and changing every thing, every boy-city, in his path.