Mandela Effect
The Mandela Effect is a concept associated with Fiona Broome. It describes the situation where a number of people have memories that are different to available evidence. Broom says the name comes from several people having memories of Nelson Mandela dying in 1980s, rather than in 2013. She argues that common memories which appear mistaken could be explained by the existence of parallel universes that are able to interact with each other.
- Berenstein Bears/Berenstain Bears
- Lindbergh baby nooit gevonden/wel gevonden
- Cruella DeVille/De Vil
- “Life IS like a box of chocolates…” / “Life WAS like a box of chocolates…”
- Sex in the city/Sex and the city
- “Luke, I am your father” / “No, I am your father”
Glitch in the Matrix
A personal, everyday-mode experience for which you have no explanation.
Most people have experiences of knowing someone was about to call before they did, or have other highly unlikely coincidences or synchronicities happen. Some people experience dreams of (usually mundane but specific) things that later come true, or strong feelings of intuition that save them from accidents or worse.
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Ik hou van dit soort dingen en het leek me wel leuk om ze hier te bespreken.

Your make-up is terrible