Toen TH nog niet bekend was,en ze hun devilish site hadden,
kregen ze ook af en toe negatieve commentaren in hun gb,hier zie je hoe ze reageren,ik vond het wel Grappig
Ze waren wel nog maar 12 of 13...
pass ma auf du vogel wenn du ein problem hast können wir zwei uns gern mal treffen dann zeig ich dir aus wem nichts wird. wenn du mum hast sag wann und wo!!!
okay listen you jerk if you have a problem with me we two can meet sometime
then I'll show you who of us won't go anywhere.
tell me when and where, if you dare.
En ook nog
an Jule: wer hat gesagt das ich aus der band fliege???
wer bist du überhaupt???
bestimmt so ne kleine dicke die in ihrem leben nix auf reihe bekommt!!! sollte ich dich kennen???
[Jaa,met die Smilies ^.^]
vertaling again
to Jule: who said I'm gonna get kicked out of the band???
and who are you anyway???
for sure a small fat chick who doesn't get anything right in life!!!
should i even know you???
& nuu Bill
First off, Hi everyone
I'm really happy that I finally found the time to come here again. Tommorrow i will also be in the chat.
But now I have to say something about the little fucker Klaus2.
Now listen, you retarded asshole. Are you that desperate that you have to get your kicks out of stupid fantasies. You are not very well informed about the band.
Care for your own shit and leave us alone. I guarantee you, you will never find connection in life. I have an idea for you. Go and see a shrink and then we can talk again.
Lots of luck in your further life you poor weenie.
[had geen zin om het heele Duitse over te Typen]
om het bericht van Bill in het Duits te zien,en de echte Smilies erbij te zien,kan je naar de link hierboven gaan,van die site,heb ik deze informatie ^.^
everybody needs a song.