• Ik denk dat de titel al genoeg zegt — ben je jonger of ouder dan je dan je voorganger?

    Piet: Ik ben 16
    Anna: Ouder, 19
    Kees: Hetzelfde, 19
    Saartje: Jonger, 14

    Ik sloot het laatste topic en ben 17 jaar

    "A good book is always good, no matter how many times you've read it."

    Flowey schreef:
    Jonger, 15.


    Ouder, 20


    i wanna die with you once or twice.

    Ouder, 18

    We accept the love we think we deserve. [ Atlas went Amavi ]

    Ouder, 20.

    Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.

    jonger 19

    wees jezelf dan ben je al mooi genoeg

    Jonger, 12

    obsessive rage

    Ouder, 14.

    ‘You must go on’. thrishanakru —> Gashina

    Ouder, 18.

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Ouder, 19

    Ouder, 20

    Flowey schreef:
    Jonger, 15.

    Let's go outside and all join hands, but until then you'll never understand…

    Even oud! :D (dus ook 15)

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —

    Ouder, 20

    Jonger, 12

    obsessive rage