16+ recommended
    A Sonder's production

    Did you ever see something that wasn't quite right? Like a glance of darkness in a stranger's eyes, or a shadow that shouldn't be there? No?
    Good. You don't want to.
    But there are people who do. They can see the monsters; they hunt them and they kill them.
    No, this isn't Twilight.

    It's October 2015 and Greenstone (USA) has never been so un-dead. The Werewolf-packs are bigger than ever, the Vampire-colony has never had this much power, but the Hunters are still managing to keep the city at balance. It's hard, it's difficult, it's even nearly impossible, but they can do it. With Codes, agreements and a try for peace, they can keep up.
    Until the Outcasts arrive and everything they have worked for has come to an end. These cruel Hunters won't stop until the last creature has burned to death. They will succeed, and nobody stands in their way, or at least not for long. Suddenly, the city is at the brink of war, and nobody can be trusted anymore. Hunter, Vampire or Werewolf, they all have the same question;
    Who is hunting whom?

    Dark souls are old souls.

    Before you claim a role, you have to read the information about the city.
    This information can be found here: GREENSTONE

    You also have to read the information about your creature very well.
    It's recommended to read the others too, but you can do that later.

    If you participated in the old MSV (A Bloody Hell), you'll have to read them too. I made some changes and they are quite important. I hope you'll see them as improvements (:
    If you want to reclaim your role, you can, but you'll have to change a few things, and ofcourse, rewrite it in English.

    If something remains unclear, don't be afraid to ask - in English or in Dutch.

    Vampires VOL
    Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Helias ~ idk ~ Colony (2nd ic)
    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Thorne ~ 16 / 815 ~ Loner
    Lene ~Tamaki ~ Theodore Zachariah Wren ~ 26 / 239 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age/Real Age ~ Status
    Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Marley Georgia Paleari ~ Age/Real Age ~ Colony (3th) | 4
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Catherine Amelia Kingston ~ 20 / 187 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    Amber ~ Vulcan~ Daelyn Orsay Willow ~ 22 / 677 ~ Leader colony | 4

    Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman. ~ 16 | 3
    Mirte ~ Caster ~ Zachaël Nathanael Ackerman ~ 19 | 5 AF
    Gabriëlle/Gaby ~ Feared ~ Obsidian "Sid" Elladore Genefray ~ 19 | 5 AF
    Amber ~ Vulcan ~ James Maximus Watson ~ 27 | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age

    Loïs ~ Serenata ~ Claire Gena Brooks ~ 26 | 2 AF
    Lene ~ Tamaki ~ Vester Wolfgang Morgenstern ~ 22 | 5
    Megan ~ Kepner ~ [Reagan Catalina Brennan] ~ 20 | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age

    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman ~ 26 ~ Alfa St.-Louis | 2 AF
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Leilani Kiera Dawson ~ 23 ~ Warrior St.-Louis
    Robin ~ Yisha ~ Rebecca Ann Ravens ~ 20 ~ ? St.-Louis
    Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Celaena Karolyna Madar ~ 24 ~ Oméga St.-Louis | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status

    (if you want something, just ask (: )
    • Alfa
    • Béta
    • Oméga
    • Others
    • Alfa: Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman
    • Bèta
    • Oméga: Fukari
    • Others: Leilani & Rebecca

    • Leader:
    • Second in command:
    • Third in command:
    • Others:
    • Leader: Deceased: Paxton Cornelius Ackerman Now:
    • Second in command:
    • Others:

    Vampires (colony):
    • Leader: Daelyn
    • Second in command (2): Helias
    • Third in command (3): Marley
    • Others:


    • Name
    • Creature
    • Status (Vampire: Loner, or Colony (think logically about the numbers. There aren't many Loners),
    Werewolf: Loner, Alfa, Bèta, Warrior, Oméga or just a pack member (and which pack),
    Hunter: OldHub or Outcast.)
    • Age: (Vampire: Age of Death between 16 and 35, Real age between 16 and 750. Thorne is 815, but that's because he is my inspiration for all of this and he has been the oldest one since I was six (this is based on a fantasy from when I was a little weirdo.) It's just a part of him, and I hope you'll understand.
    All the others: Between the age of 16 and 35. When you're a hunter and younger than 18, your training has not been completed yet. Even if you're an Outcast!)
    • Residence
    • Inner: (Not just single words, I want a bit of explanation.)
    • Outer: (Vampire: Remember it's possible your char has a scar from his death.
    Werewolf: Wolf-form too, especially fur, height and eyecolour. Scars will be adapted from his human form.
    Hunters: Don't forget the Artifact and tattoo! Most of them have scars too.)
    • History: (Vampires: How'd they die?
    Werewolves: When did they change? In which environment?
    Outcastmembers: When, why and how did they join the Outcasts?)
    • Extra:
    • Relationships. (The Outcast hunter group has been in Greenstone for about a week. They haven't hunted yet, because of the many preparations, but it won't take long anymore. There are rumours about their arrival, but they are still just rumours.)

    Vampires: • Master (killed, or not?)
    • Subjects
    Hunters: Partners

    • Quizlet's Houserules!!
    • Reservations will stay for 48 hours.
    • You have until next Saturday (24/10) to finish your role.
    • Maximum 3 roles, with different creatures, unless I say otherwise.
    • I want decent roles.
    • Don't leave me hanging. This was really a lot of work. If you don't have time, then don't make a role.
    • If you don't react, I WILL NAG YOU! Be warned.
    • Please tell me if you change your name.

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 dec 2015 - 18:06 ]

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    Sonder schreef:

    Thanks, darling (:
    Outcast or local?

    Hmm, outcast. Let's be the badguy again (':

    kindness is never a burden.

    Tamaki schreef:

    Hmm, outcast. Let's be the badguy again (':

    Badguys are fun, though ^^
    Done (:

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    Titel aangepast op aanvraag.

    Pretty is just a pretty word.

    Disgust schreef:
    Titel aangepast op aanvraag.

    Bedankt (:

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    The only way
    to deal with an unfree world
    is to become
    so absolutely free
    that your very existence
    is an act of rebellion.

    Name —
    Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman.

    Freya // Meaning: Lady • Origin: Norway
    Historia // Meaning: History • Origin: Spain
    Rose // Meaning: Rose flower • Origin: Germania
    Maria // Meaning: Bitter • Origin: Europe
    Ackerman // Meaning: Farmer • Origin: England

    Creature —
    Freya is a Hunter from a family of Hunters. The Ackerman family is one of the oldest Hunter families that still exists. They were basically one of the first people who started calling themselves that. They are very strict and very known for their ruthless style.

    Age —
    Sixteen. Freya was born on August 6, which means her astrological sign is a Leo.

    Residence —
          • OldHub, St.-Louis:
    Freya's actual residence is the Dungeon in OldHub. Since her father was the leader of the group of Hunters, she and her family used to live there. Since the death of her parents, Freya no longer wants to live there, even though all her friends live over there and she has easy access to anything that can help her in her career as a Hunter. She moved away because she was reminded of happy memories all the time and she didn't want them to turn sad, since she started feeling emotional whenever she thought of them - and Freya hates getting emotional.

          • Hillside:
    Where Freya now permanently lives, is with her grandparents in St.-Louis. They, too, were hunters, but they retired a couple of years ago. Since the death of her parents, she went to stay with it. It's close to the school and she can sneak out more easily to go and see her brother, even though he's further away. She feels at home with all the perfectly mowed lawns and she almost feels normal, even though she is still a Hunter at heart.

    Personality —
          • Enthusiastic
    Odds are high that whenever you see Freya walking around, she'll be singing, whistling or humming. She is a bright little ball of energy, which forms quite a heavy contrast with the fact that she is a teenager and, just as much as any other Ackerman, a lethal, human weapon. There is not a single aspect of Hunting she doesn't know already, even though her training hasn't yet ended. She is the kind of girl that loves Nicholas Sparks movies and swoons right in front of green-eyed boys who know how to play the piano. She likes classical music, books, and movies just as much as the next teenage girl. She wears flowery patterns, but don't you start thinking she can't handle herself just yet.

          • Ruthless
    She might not seem like it, but at her age, Freya might be the cruelest Hunter that's roaming the city of Greenstone at this moment. She won't back down for action and is mostly just in it for the kill. Freya doesn't exactly know why she kills the creatures she was designed to hate, she just does it, and she enjoys whenever she goes out on a Hunt. Freya's style of hunting is cruel, cunning and generally just mean. She's learned a couple of filthy tricks herself and won't be afraid to use it.

          • Stubbornly honest
    If there is one thing Freya cannot handle, it's when people are lying to her - even though she herself has more secrets than her whole family combined. She will, however, always speak her mind. If she doesn't like you, you will find out soon enough and when she does - you'll be littered with heartfelt, honest compliments. Freya is as stubborn as a person can be and will never quit before she's reached her goal.

          • Sarcastic
    Freya is quite humorous, but that humour mainly consists out of bad jokes and sarcasm. She is rude and bold, foul mouthed and quite flirtatious to people of the opposite gender. The only problem is that she doesn't know how to talk to boys and when she's drunk - which often happens because of her being tiny - she'll kiss anyone who's standing in her way and then vomit right on top of them. Freya likes to live the wild life, and the fact that she can hold guns and fire them, only makes it better. You'll rarely have an honest conversation with her where she'll open up her heart. As well as sarcastic, Freya is smart and loves outsmarting people more than anything. She'll backfire with a witty answer so fast, you won't have the time to think about anything to defend yourself.

    Biography —

    Status —

    Extra —
    • Freya has a built-in compass in her brain, which really does come in handy. She always knows which direction she's going and doesn't even need a map somewhere. When she was little, she was also very interested in astronomy, which makes her able to read the stars and know where exactly she is at that instant.
    • Freya is lactose intolerant.
    • She has a cat named Memphis and it annoys the hell out of her grandparents.
    • Freya owns a Rubiks Cube and can solve it in 15 seconds, which is only three times as slow as the world record.
    • Freya is a very touchy-feely person and will most likely hug anyone that seems like they are in need of one.
    • She absolutely detests the colour purple.

    Relationships —

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 okt 2015 - 17:52 ]


    Ik zie nu dat de MSV nu tweetalig is, maar hoe gaat dat dan? Want stel dat jijzelf in Engels post maar je tegenspeler in Nederlands.

    Nevermind ik was even niet logisch aan het nadenken.

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 okt 2015 - 22:00 ]

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Feyre schreef:
    Ik zie nu dat de MSV nu tweetalig is, maar hoe gaat dat dan? Want stel dat jijzelf in Engels post maar je tegenspeler in Nederlands.

    Nevermind ik was even niet logisch aan het nadenken.

    Thank God, ik heb te weinig slaap om deftig na te denken (':

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.


    “Sometimes it’s best to just say ‘Whatever’ and watch everyone else make the dumb mistakes.”

    Leilani Kiera Dawson
    Almost everyone calls her Leila

    Leilani -- Hawaiian -- heavenly
    Kiera -- Greek -- Lord

    Twenty three
    St. Louis
    “Broken crayons still color”

          Leila is someone who manages to stay calm in most situations. When a situation suddenly changes, she has no difficulty with adapting to it. Because she manages to stay calm and is emhatic, she knows how to calm down angry or upset people. Besides that she is a good listener and she likes to help people with their problems and feelings. When someone keeps ignoring her advice though, she will start to care less. She doesn't like talking about her own feelings and problems. She doesn't want to bother people with it, but she also doesn't want to come across as "weak". Besides that she doesn't trust people quickly. Because of this it seems like things don't hurt her, but they do. She just bottles everything up. When her bubble bursts, it would be better to stay out of her way, since she could almost be compared with a vampire in a tantrum. With exception of the killing things part. She will start throwing with things and if people try to get close to her, she will kick and hit them. It takes a strong, convincing person to calm her down. The other only times she isn't calm, are when she is faced with snakes or fire. She is scared to death of both of them.
          That she is calm most of the time and bottles her feelings up, doesn't mean that she doesn't show any emotion. She just mainly hides her sadness and anger. Besides her calmness, she mostly comes across as a happy person, although it is partly fake, but just like most people she can get irritated as well.
          She likes sharing her opinion, even when people don't ask for it. However, since she mostly brings it calmy, it doesn't come across like she is throwing her opinions in everyones' faces.
          Furthermore Leila doesn't like lying, unless it is about her own feelings, which make her a reasonably honest person. If you want to know whether some piece on clothing looks good on you, she will just tell you the truth when it doesn't. Sometimes she hurts people with her opinion, which sometimes makes her feel guilty, although not when people asked for opinion. If you want an opinion, you shouldn't act all offended about it. She thinks its better that people know the truth and be hurt about it, than to be unknowing. When she notices that you are lying to her a lot, there is a major chance she will start to ignore you and give you the cold shoulder.
          Leila is also loyal and wouldn't throw a knive in your back. If she doesn't like you anymore or something like that, she will just tell to you face to face. She is not the backstabbing kind of girl, she disgusts people like that.
          She is rather easy to talk to, which makes her hang around with numerous people, but she doesn't have a lot of real friends. This is again because she doesn't trust people easiliy. Because she doesn't trust people easily, she also doesn't forgive people easily, Once you screw it up with her, it is likely you will screw it up forever.
          You could call Laila a secret romantic, but she doesn't expect to ever meet "the one". She is quite the flirt however and doesn't mind one-night stands or having friends with benefits.

    “I may look calm but in my head I've killed you three times.”

          With a height of 1.71 centimers Leila is a bit longer than the average American woman. She likes her height, since she is not shorty, but she can wear heels without being a lot taller than everyone else. She has a bit of a curvy body, since she a figure that is slightly between hourglass and triangle, with long legs. She has a slightly colored skin, that colors easily in the sun and doesn't burn fast. Several scars cover her skin, most of which caused by her father.
          She has long, brown hair that has a slight wave in it. She usually let her locks fall losely over her shoulders. She is not really into that whole braiding thing. But she also doesn't really like it, since she has quite thick hair and it hurts after a while if she has a braid or ponytail in it for a long time. She only puts it in a braid or ponytail when she sports.
          Her eyes are hazel colored that are framed by long, thick lashes. She doesn't really like nose, she thinks it is a bit to big. Furthermore she has full lips and straight teeth. The latter only because she wore braces for quite a long time.
          In terms of clothing, Leila doesn't mind showing of her body with thight clothing, but she also likes wearing too big sweaters.
          As a wolf Leila has a goldenbrown colored fur. Her eyes are a few shades lighter than her fur. Even though she is somewhat smaller than her fellow male warriors, she is quicker. Her head-and-body length is about 2.1 meters and her shoulder height is about 115 centimers

    “Who leaves my heart, will stay out of it. It is not a club where you can get a stamp to enter again later on.”

          Leila grew up without a mother. She has never even met her mom, since her mother died while giving birth to her. Laila's dad, Graham, didn't take this well at all and basically blames Leila for his wife's death. He has always been quite cruel towards her and therefore Leila never really got a good bond with her dad. She actually doesn't even like refering to the man as her dad.
          The wolfgene runs in her family, but she is the only child of her parents that got the gene. Her brother, Michael, is a simple human. Even though Michael was a human, he was always the one that was protecting Leila. When she broke a vase accidentely, Michael would always say that he did it, so that their dad wouldn't get even more angry at Leila.
          Leila changed for the first time a few weeks after her fifteenth birthday. Her dad wasn't much help when she was going through it, but luckily some older pack members helped her and made sure that she didn't went all crazy on some humans.
          Leila's brother died when she was sixteen. Leila had a party and her brother had to pick her up. Graham wouldn't let them use the car, so they had to walk home. Since it was already quite late, they took a shortcut, but that was a big mistake. While they walked through an alley, they were approached by a group of human young men. It immediately became clear that they were looking for a fight. Leila, at that time not a very calm person yet, completely froze up. Michael was protecting her, but in the end this fight cost him his life. Graham blames Leila for his death as well. According to her dad, she "just could've turned into a werewolf to kill the human men". Graham became even more cruel towards her after this, often mentioning that she doesn't deserve to be werewolf, that she shouldn't have been born, because that way his son and wife would still be alive. Leila avoids Graham as much as possible.

    Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus (Ackerman) -- Fox is one of the only persons that can calm her down when she is one of her explosive moods. Even though she thinks he is quite the asshole sometimes, she likes bickering with him. She tells Fox far from everything, but he still is one the person's she trusts the most. They occasionally have sex, mostly after/during they have a fight or when they are slightly drunk.
    Theodore Zachariah Wren -- Leila met Theodore once in his club, what turned out in to sex. She wouldn't call it her best idea ever, but she doesn't regret it, because honestly? She rather liked it.

          Leila has a good singing voice and earns her money by giving small gigs at pubs or bars. Occasionally she sings at weddings. Furthermore she gives guitar lessons and she has a job at a small restaurant as a waitress.
    Winning things -- getting lost in nature -- rain -- waking up just before the alarm clock -- too big sweaters -- Christmas -- alcohol -- French fries -- dancing all night long -- the sound of rain -- forehead kisses -- playing guitar -- singing
    Traffic jams -- peanut butter -- school pictures -- snakes -- fire -- liars

    [ bericht aangepast op 25 okt 2015 - 22:16 ]

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Ik heb Cat haar faceclaim veranderd en daarbij ook haar leeftijd. Ze is nu twintig in plaats van tweeëntwintig.

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Doubting. I really want to join, but honestly, I'm suffering from a huge writersblock right now. But at the same time, I really want to get back into roleplaying again.
    (This is just a MT, I will think about it tomorrow and let you guys know, okay? :3)

    but do you feel held by him? — does he feel like home to you? ( Anatomy » Midsommar )

    Kepner schreef:
    Doubting. I really want to join, but honestly, I'm suffering from a huge writersblock right now. But at the same time, I really want to get back into roleplaying again.
    (This is just a MT, I will think about it tomorrow and let you guys know, okay? :3)

    I really hope you'll join (:
    Cheryl: ik pas het straks of morgen aan (:

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    @Yisha normaal bemoei ik me niet met andermans rollen, maar ik wil even zeggen dat 5'6 feet zo'n 170 centimeter is, en dat is echt niet klein of petit, zeker niet naar Amerikaanse maatstaven ;x

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Feyre schreef:
    @Yisha normaal bemoei ik me niet met andermans rollen, maar ik wil even zeggen dat 5'6 feet zo'n 170 centimeter is, en dat is echt niet klein of petit, zeker niet naar Amerikaanse maatstaven ;x

    Dankje dat je het zegt! Ik had het opgezocht op internet en daar stond dat het ongeveer 1,65 was. Zal ff kijken wat de goede lengte is. c:

    Yisha schreef:

    Dankje dat je het zegt! Ik had het opgezocht op internet en daar stond dat het ongeveer 1,65 was. Zal ff kijken wat de goede lengte is. c:

    1.65 meter is ongeveer het gemiddelde inderdaad, maar dan is 1.70 meter dus niet echt petite ^^. Sorry, ik erger mij altijd aan dit soort dingen ;x

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Feyre schreef:

    1.65 meter is ongeveer het gemiddelde inderdaad, maar dan is 1.70 meter dus niet echt petite ^^. Sorry, ik erger mij altijd aan dit soort dingen ;x

    Haha, ik heb 't aangepast, heb d'r wat kleiner gemaakt.
    Bedankt dar je het aangaf. c: