• Ja, het is voor mij ook een schok. Ik heb altijd gedacht dat ik een negentienjarige vrouw was, maar nee, deze website heeft me de waarheid verteld nadat ik twintig vragen had beantwoord. (krul)

    Here is our best guess at who you are: 1. You are male. 2. You are currently in your mid fifties, still working hard and enjoying every minute of it. 3. You are starting to go bald, but you don't care about it as much as you thought you would when you were younger. You still have your good looks, your gray eyes and your sense of humor. 4. You have a beautiful loving family, great life-long friends, even the doctor is happy with your annual check up! 5. Things are generally good, and you just wish they'll stay that way for much, much longer. So, how did we do? How many of these did we get right? Tell us in the comments!

    ... Één. Er klopt er misschien eentje (en het is niet nummer drie). Beter dan niets, denk ik?

    Wie durft het aan? Ik ben erg benieuwd om te horen wie jullie in werkelijkheid zijn. :'D

    "Just words." "But good words. That's where ideas begin." - Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan

    Ik heb dezelfde als jij, Inge. Precies dezelfde tekst. :')

    Every villain is a hero in his own mind.

    Ik ben ook die tienerjongen. :')

    Ik kijk uit het raam, naar de lucht en de zon, ik loop naar buiten en flikker van het balkon.

    Here is our best guess at who you are: 1. You are female. 2. You are currently in your twenties, you are single, dating at nights and balancing a promising career during the day. 3. You are smart, calculated, funny and imaginative. 4. You have black hair, dark eyes a cute nose. 5. You own a pet. So, how did we do? How many of these did we get right? Tell us in the comments!

    1. Yea
    2. 20, single and not dating
    3. yea
    4. Ik ben blond, blauwe ogen en haat mn neus XD
    5. Ik heb een hond.

    Think they did okay XD

    Hard Work. Good-hearted. Loyalty. And Fair Play: I'm a Hufflepuff In Every Single Way.

    Here is our best guess at who you are: 1. You are female. 2. You are currently in your mid 40's. 3. You are raising a beautiful family, you have a career you're quite pleased with. 4. You've recently started volunteering in your community. 5. You are taller than average, you have gorgeous dark hair and beautiful brown eyes.


    but do you feel held by him? — does he feel like home to you? ( Anatomy » Midsommar )

    Square schreef:

    Aw, je zou mijn zoon kunnen zijn. :Y)

    hey pap, je word opa -wbw-

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 sep 2015 - 15:54 ]

    Here is our best guess at who you are: 1. You are female. 2. You are currently in your mid thirties. 3. You have a great job that you don't necessarily appreciate as much as you should. You do, however, appreciate the great life partner that you have and your caring friends. 4. You have short blonde hair, gray eyes and a naturally tan skin tone. 5. You have 2 kids. Currently thinking whether or not to have a third one. So, how did we do? How many of these did we get right? Tell us in the comments!

    Well, ik geloof dat ik onder de mensen hier uniek ben :Y)
    Bij mij klopt alleen 1, lol

    Porunn schreef:
    Ik heb dezelfde als jij, Inge. Precies dezelfde tekst. :')

    Eyyy, we kunnen gezellig samen kalende mannetjes zijn. :Y)

    Wiarda schreef:
    Ik ben ook die tienerjongen. :')

    Jeetje, het stikt op Q van de tienerjongens. Plottwist. :'D

    Tunes schreef:
    hey pap, je word opa -wbw-

    *gasp* Ik hoop maar dat je je verantwoordelijkheid neemt en een eerlijke vrouw van de moeder maakt, zoon! Zo heb ik je niet opgevoed.

    "Just words." "But good words. That's where ideas begin." - Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan

    Ik heb hetzelfde resultaat als Jij, square (:
    Er klopt ook Maar 1 bij mij. Haha

    If only humans could have vertical asymptotes ~ Quinn

    Female, mid 20's. Hmm close.

    Medb - Pronouced as [me-èv]

    Hallo, mede 50 jaar oude man :')

    If you can't remember my name, just say 'chocolate' and I'll turn around.

    Hahaha! Ik ook.

    You could be great, you know, it’s all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt

    Female, mid 50's.

    Here is our best guess at who you are: 1. You are female. 2. You are currently in your mid fifties. 3. You have a wonderful big family and a deep loving connection with your lifelong partner. 4. You have Short hair, light colored eyes and stylish glasses. 5. You have long ago decided to live every minute to the fullest. Your life experiences taught you that no moment should be wasted on something or someone you don't love. So, how did we do? How many of these did we get right? Tell us in the comments!

    He cannot pass by without touching and moving and shaping and changing every thing, every boy-city, in his path.

    Male, late teens.
    Here is our best guess at who you are: 1. You are male. 2. You are still a teenager, but won't be one for very much longer. 3. You're in college and are already worried about finding the perfect job that will be both fulfilling and will pay well. Your future worries you more than you'd like to admit. 4. You have beautiful, silky brown hair and big eyes. 5. You know that if you'd only believe in yourself more, things would be much easier for you. Yet you still doubt your instincts more than you should, instead of trusting them every time. So, how did we do? How many of these did we get right? Tell us in the comments!

    Ja ja. :')

    Caution first, always.

    Velvetoscar schreef:
    Female, mid 50's.

    Here is our best guess at who you are: 1. You are female. 2. You are currently in your mid fifties. 3. You have a wonderful big family and a deep loving connection with your lifelong partner. 4. You have Short hair, light colored eyes and stylish glasses. 5. You have long ago decided to live every minute to the fullest. Your life experiences taught you that no moment should be wasted on something or someone you don't love. So, how did we do? How many of these did we get right? Tell us in the comments!
    Exact dit. Het enige dat klopt is dat ik een vrouw ben. :'D

    She's imperfect but she tries

    Female, Mid 20's
    Here is our best guess at who you are: 1. You are female. 2. You are currently in your twenties, you are single, dating at nights and balancing a promising career during the day. 3. You are smart, calculated, funny and imaginative. 4. You have black hair, dark eyes a cute nose. 5. You own a pet
    Close, alleen heb ik geen donker haar of donkere ogen en ik date niet.

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 sep 2015 - 16:34 ]

    Seasons will change, but I shall remain