• larry is #real

    He cannot pass by without touching and moving and shaping and changing every thing, every boy-city, in his path.

    McCIair schreef:
    The evolution of Ezra Fitz in Pretty Little Liars:
    Season 1 t/m 6: Hot as fuck.

    A as bookwriter as fuck.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Talley schreef:
    Essie, ik luister nu dus wel halsey. En nu vind ik het ineens wel goed. im like: wtf is de leven

    Omg yaaaaay goedzo.

    "Family don’t end in blood”

    Talley schreef:

    A as bookwriter as fuck.

    HAHAHAHA same.

    "Family don’t end in blood”

    Ze zingt sigger ed en sillo ed. tsk.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    McCIair schreef:

    HAHAHAHA same.

    tsk kut ezrabae.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Talley schreef:

    tsk kut ezrabae.

    Aye don't be mean to the bae.

    "Family don’t end in blood”

    sorry essie. :c

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Haha it's okay gabbae

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 juli 2015 - 23:26 ]

    "Family don’t end in blood”

    Mensen ik heb nu al struggles. Ik mag volgende week maandag (lol) m'n username veranderen. Ik wil Lichael, Hennig of Atalay terug nemen BUT IDK. HELP HAHAHAHAHA.

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    Doe Lichael bc dat had ik bedacht (dacht ik tenminste idk) dus is het awesome. HAHAHA. Nee maar ik zou Lichael of Hennig doen tbh.

    "Family don’t end in blood”

    McCIair schreef:
    Doe Lichael bc dat had ik bedacht (dacht ik tenminste idk) dus is het awesome. HAHAHA. Nee maar ik zou Lichael of Hennig doen tbh.

    Jaaa, klopt. Dat is jou meesterwerk. (wbw) *O*

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    Costanza schreef:

    Jaaa, klopt. Dat is jou meesterwerk. (wbw) *O*


    "Family don’t end in blood”

    Doe Gabae. of Klojo. Gewoon. Ik zou Hennig doen though.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Talley schreef:


    "Family don’t end in blood”