Let op! Dit RPG is in het Engels en zal op deze site worden geopend!
"It's a full moon. Peace in Miller's Hollow is disturbed by a serie of gruesome killings. The elders consult together; could the ancient legend of the Werewolves be true? It seems so..."
Miller's Hollow is plagued by werewolves and the villagers want to find out who from the inhabitants change into horrible creatures during the full moon. The werewolves, however, do anything they can, to prevent the villagers from finding out their true nature, but they still want to be able to devour a delicious villager. Both go to battle. Shall the villagers be able to fight the plague without losing half of the village to the monsters or will all villagers and up as a late night snack for the werewolves?
This RPG is based on the game "The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow". Everyone gets a role (chard) send to them by private message when you've entered the RPG. It's important that NOBODY knows what your role is, because than the whole point of this game is gone. (However the werewolves get to know each others identity, because they need to be able to consult together).
When you've gotten your role, you can fill in the list. You can trick people by saying you have it in you to kill people so it looks like you are a werewolf but you actually are a normal villager, but you can't put your actual role in your description.
I'm the leader of the game and I'll make sure everything will go as planned, I won't be playing a role in the game myself.
When all the roles are filled in we start. Miller's Hollow is a normal village (around 1800) and everyone does what he does best. Meanwhile there will be counted down to the next full moon - this will be around one week in actual time. When it's full moon the game will be stopped and every "special role" does his own thing (see explanation roles). Eventually there could be killed one or more villager(s). As a reaction on this there will be hold a consolation in which the everyone will vote on who they think is the werewolf. The person who gets the mosts votes will be killed after this the game moves on.
When you are killed, you are out of the game, but since this game stops at one point when everyone is killed or one side wins there will be a new round. So don't be sad when you are killed, that's just the game.
1. Felix Gabriel Westerberg - Jensen
3. Reserved - Walkers
To fill in (You can fill in your role either on here or on the other RPG site)
Age (I don't want only teens, so make sure it variates a bit)
Explanation roles
Werewolves (4)
The werewolves can choose a new victim every full moon. When it's no full moon you are just a villager or at leas you pretend to be, no one can know you are a werewolves.
The Fortune Teller
Every full moon, the fortune teller will ask me to get to know one other player’s role. The Fortune Teller has to help the villagers to catch the werewolves, but she can't tell who the werewolves are. The werewolves need to sort her out and kill her, because she is of course a danger to them all.
The Witch
The witch has two potions, one to heal and one to kill, but she can use each only once in the whole game. She can use her potions on any player, including herself.
When the Hunter is killed, he can kill another player.
Cupid chooses two players during the first full moon who will be bind together for life. If one lover dies, so does the other. If both lovers are villagers, they win normally with the other villagers. If both lovers are werewolves, they win normally with the other werewolves. If the Lovers are a villager and a werewolf, they form a third team and have to outlive everybody else to win.
The Mayor
The Mayor is elected by the players before the first night. His opinion counts twice in all subsequent votes. In case of equality, the Mayor takes the final decision. If the Mayor himself is killed, he chooses his successor. There can be no more than one Mayor at a time. This card is also the only one that’s not hidden from other players.
- If you cheat in what sort of way, you are out.
- There is no minimum to your posts, but try to get at least one or three sentences.
- OCC between ([{*- etc.
- Relations are allowed of course.
- 16+ is allowed.
- Don't exclude anyone.
- Only play with your own characters.
- No fights, unless it's in the RPG it self.
- Maximum of one character.
- New topics will be made by me.
[ bericht aangepast op 21 nov 2014 - 22:04 ]
My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them.