'Yeah, my computer. Clara said I should've bought one, but the thing was, I already did! It's awesome, but I don't know how it works. So I went to the supermarket and bought some broccoli and a pig. Yes a pig. I don't know where it is at the moment but I think somewhere in my closet, eating a cucumber. And really, - oh wait Steve, gotta throw this egg out of the window *crash* - the pig loves my house! You know, I've got a really cozy house, with the cobwebs on my curtains and the humoungous tarantula in the left corner. It's gigantic, really. And - ouch! Poopy! Don't- sorry Steve, there's a pig in my ass - he leaves enough space for me and my daughter. She's nowhere to be seen though, she is just sitting on the toilet all day. She must appreciate the snake we keep on the toilet. But I'm not sure. Maybe she just needs to shit every single moment of the day *bonkebonkbonk* Oh shit sorry just fell of the stairs eh what did you say again?'
{ do you call yourself a freaking hurricane like me? }