• The Nightclub!

    Life doesn't stop for anybody. And neither does the melody's and the beats of the songs. Come join us and get lost in the music. The night is still young. Make sure you're best dressed, but not too overdone. We're gonna live it up. Take a drink and party until the sun rises. We are the nightclub. Who says being awake at night is lonely? When the sun goes down, make sure you're ready to party like we're forever young.

    The Guest list.
    Galilea • Gail • Smirnoff-vodka • 18 •
    Soe • Sylvie • Kinderchampagne • 20 •
    Debbaut • Jarne • Politie-inspecteur • 15 •
    Felis • Erieka • Smirnoff ice & WKD • 18 •
    Dinozzo • Yolanda • Colaberenburg • 17 •
    Novoselic • Lotta • Ice Tea • 12 •
    Avus • Saartje • Jillz • zestien.•
    Vandinha • Mirte • Bier & Tequilla • 21 •
    Barlliams • Kim • appelsap • 17 •
    Astris • Cheryl • Passoa en Coebergh • 18 •
    Leshley • Jaimy • Passoa • 17 •

    Song of the night: Armin van Buuren > Save my night

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 aug 2014 - 19:28 ]

    16 - 09 - '17

    Goedemorgen! (:

    Ik hoop dat mama snel wakker wordt, kan ik mijn haar weer krullen, lol. Het is er inmiddels al weer uit, maar ik vond het eigenlijk wel leuk. c:
    En dan vandaag bardienst draaien, want er is een darttoernooi. Hebben jullie al plannen voor vandaag?

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Ik heb behoorlijk veel lieve berichtjes in mijn gb eigenlijk wel. Love it! <3

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Oke te grappig dit! :'D

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    DiNozzo schreef:
    Oke te grappig dit! :'D

    Hahaha omg xp

    16 - 09 - '17


    16 - 09 - '17


    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!


    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Hallo iedereen! Hoe is het?

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it

    Goeeeed :3

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Maybe this is a hi

    I'm Ellie's & Mitshy's little secret. Rawr.

    Leshley schreef:
    Maybe this is a hi

    Hello! c:

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Maybe that was my first forum post since...4 months or something. Whoops.

    Hello Yoos!

    I'm Ellie's & Mitshy's little secret. Rawr.


    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!

    Leshley schreef:
    Maybe that was my first forum post since...4 months or something. Whoops.

    Hello Yoos!


    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it

    Leshley schreef:
    Maybe this is a hi

    Jaimyyyyy! Welcome Back op Q! *O*
