• "You know I will always come for you. Even though it
    doesn't always look like it."

    "And how do you know that for sure?"
    "Because that's what big brothers do."

    Even though we appear to be sewn
    in a different pattern, we have a common thread that
    won't be broken-by people or years or distance.

    "What if I'm far from home?"
    "I will hear you call."
    "What if I loose it all?"
    "I will help you out."

    Each of our lives will always be a
    special part of the other.

    "Why did you leave?"
    "I thought it was the right thing to do."
    "You mean the right thing for you.."

    Like branches on a tree we grow in different
    directions yet our roots remain as one.

    "Looks like it's just you and me."
    "Yeah. But that's fine. As long as we have each other."
    "True. That's all we need."

    * Geschreven door: HaIcyon en Barker.
    * Hoofdstukken zijn 800 tot 1300 woorden lang, met uitschieters van 1500 +
    * Nederlands geschreven en Nederlands gesproken.
    * Personages komen van een RPG af
    * Gebaseerd op de geschiedenis van die personages.

    That is a perfect copy of reality.

    Hoofdstuk 14 & 15 zijn geactiveerd :3

    That is a perfect copy of reality.