• En Maven kwam in de plaats.

    Deze username komt ook wel van het feit dat Sona ook wel 'The maven of the Strings' wordt genoemd. Hij komt dus van Sona.

    Dit is Sona dus en dit is haar Lore/levensverhaal:

    Sona has no memories of her true parents. As an infant, she was found abandoned on the doorstep of an Ionian adoption house, nestled atop an ancient instrument in an exquisite case of unknown origins. She was an unusually well-behaved child, always quiet and content. Her caretakers were sure she would find a home quickly, but it soon became apparent that what they mistook for uncommon geniality was actually an inability to speak or to produce any sound whatsoever. Sona remained at the adoption house until her teens, watching in hopeless silence as prospective adopters passed her by. During this time, the caretakers sold her unusual instrument to anxious collectors, hoping to build her a trust. For a myriad of bizarre and unexpected reasons, however, it would be returned, or simply appear again outside the house.
    When a wealthy Demacian woman named Lestara Buvelle learned of the instrument, she immediately embarked to Ionia. When the caretakers showcased the instrument for her, she rose wordlessly and explored the house, stopping outside Sona’s room. Without hesitation, Lestara adopted her and left a generous donation for the instrument. With Lestara’s guidance, Sona discovered a deep connection with the instrument which Lestara called an "etwahl". In her hands, it played tones which stilled or quivered the hearts of those around her. Within months, she was headlining with the mysterious etwahl for sold-out audiences. She played as though plucking heartstrings, effortlessly manipulating the emotions of her listeners - all without a single written note. In secret, she discovered a potent and deadly use for her etwahl, using its vibrations to slice objects from a distance. She honed this discipline in private, mastering her gift. When she felt prepared, she went to the only place which could offer her a fitting recital: the League of Legends.

    "Her melody moves the soul, her silence sunders the body."
    - Jericho Swain, after attending her concert

    Ik koos deze username, omdat ik eigenlijk ook wel graag iets wou wat met Sona te maken had. De username Sona was al bezet, iets waar ik boos over ben want die user is nooit teruggekomen en dus bedacht ik deze.

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 okt 2013 - 13:22 ]

    26 - 02 - '16

    Eerste waar ik aan denk is de "Apache build manager for Java projects". Dat heet ook Maven en komt vaak langs op school :'D

    I hope you drown in all the cum you fucking swallow, to get yourself to the top.

    Father schreef:
    Eerste waar ik aan denk is de "Apache build manager for Java projects". Dat heet ook Maven en komt vaak langs op school :'D

    Haha (;

    @Dooddoenervo, dankje

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 okt 2013 - 13:38 ]

    26 - 02 - '16

    Maven schreef:

    Oke (;
    Ik heb ook zo'n beetje elke support champion gekocht. Ik vind Zyra ook heel gaaf bijvoorbeeld.
    Ja Zyra is echt leuk om mee te supporten. Ik kreeg altijd commentaar als ik dat deed omdat zogezegd geen support is, maar tijdens het WC namen ze haar anders ook wel telkens als support.

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, will there be glory if I fall?

    Avarosa schreef:
    (...)Ja Zyra is echt leuk om mee te supporten. Ik kreeg altijd commentaar als ik dat deed omdat zogezegd geen support is, maar tijdens het WC namen ze haar anders ook wel telkens als support.

    Indeed. Ze is prima, net als Blitzcrank bijvoorbeeld. Maar goed.

    26 - 02 - '16

    Nicuh! :')

    Some people are art and do art at the same time

    Klinkt leuk. ^^

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Dankjulliewel allebei

    26 - 02 - '16

    Nice name!

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 okt 2013 - 21:39 ]

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    Malafide schreef:
    Nice name!


    26 - 02 - '16

    Deilia schreef:
    Pff gelukkig maak je een topic, anders heb je nooit herkent.


    "A weed is simply a flower that somebody has decided is in the wrong place." Sister Monica Joan, Call the Midwife

    Hele leuke username! c:

    You are beautiful, you are love.

    Leeeeuk. ^^

    •*• Lululu •*•


    26 - 02 - '16