Dearest Angel, sweet Light Bringer...
you've been treated so poorly.
Everyone knows your story, Lucifer...
everyone knows about your fall from serenity.
But, is it the true tale of your descent and how you became fallen?
You are the angel heaven forgot, that heaven has forsaken.
Somehow, Lucifer, you don't seem so evil or bad.
Your tale is something that is truly sad.
Whatever words are said about you now, one fact remains.
You were an angel then...and still are to this day.
Dearest angel that heaven forgot and tossed away...
you'll find peace, somewhere, someday.
you've been treated so poorly.
Everyone knows your story, Lucifer...
everyone knows about your fall from serenity.
But, is it the true tale of your descent and how you became fallen?
You are the angel heaven forgot, that heaven has forsaken.
Somehow, Lucifer, you don't seem so evil or bad.
Your tale is something that is truly sad.
Whatever words are said about you now, one fact remains.
You were an angel then...and still are to this day.
Dearest angel that heaven forgot and tossed away...
you'll find peace, somewhere, someday.
De jonge vrouw Belle word in een vreemd weiland wakker zonder dat ze weet hoe ze er is gekomen.
Ze loopt recht in de armen van Lucifer en hij neemt haar mee naar een plek op aarde.
Ze kan niet bang voor hem zijn met hem in de buurt, maar als ze alleen is breken de sluimerende angsten door.
Maar de tijd leert dat hij nog helemaal zo slecht niet is.
Dit is een nieuw verhaal van mij. Ik weet niet of jullie het wat vinden, mar een kijkje nemen kan geen kwaad! The Devil on Earth