• de titel zegt genoeg..

    Everything Is Impossible

    Story: Rare Liefde
    Over 1D, vooral Harry Styles
    Plz lees gewoon eerst de proloog en dan mag je oordelen (:

    Alles wat gekleurd is, is nep

    A Fuck To Give? Nope, Can't Find One || 1D.

    Wel in het Engels geschreven.

    Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

    They live in another world,
    But what happens if those worlds meet each other?
    Will they love each other?
    Or will they hate each other...

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 aug 2012 - 20:02 ]

    Don't find love, let love find you. <3

    Misschien dat dit je wat lijkt!

    This can happen to everyone - One Direction

    When one door of happiness
    closes another opens, but
    often we look so long at the
    closed door that we don't see
    the one that has been
    opened for us.
    We have to go through that open door,
    we have to take risks in our lives,
    because a life without any risks,
    isn't a good life.

    Of deze!
    Am I going to choose for you? - One Direction

    Desire for 2.
    I can not live without you ..
    but also not without him.
    One is so sweet,
    the other so cute.
    Kissed with one
    but slept with the other.
    What shall I do?

    Am I going to choose for you?

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 aug 2012 - 21:12 ]

    Don't call me crazy, because I am a little bit different.

    Wish you were here - One Direction
    Misschien is deze wat voor je?
    Op mijn profiel staan nog 2 fanfictions, 1 afgelopen Zayn Malik story en 1 lopende Niall Horan story.

    A Fight Against The Love • Harry Styles

    It’s just a game. No love. No feelings.
    We won’t fall in love.
    So we’ll play the game forever.
    Because we won’t loose.
    Losing is just not an option.

    Written in Dutch, spoken in English
    One Direction

    Starts: 04/09/2012

    Perpetual ~ continuing or enduring forever; everlasting.

    Dark red
    Trickles down his arm
    A special little secret
    Known as self harm

    Fiery red
    Builds up deep inside
    He's got to let these feelings out
    But to who can he confide

    Dark silver
    Is the one that he trusts
    The one that she turns to
    When life becomes too much

    Long white
    To cover his pain
    Hide his relief
    Hide the cuts again

    - Larry Stylinson
    - Zelfbeschadiging
    - Geweld
    - Drank & Drugs
    - Herschreven
    - ABN
    - 12 +

    You're Insecure Don't Know What For ~ Larry Stylinson

    I think there is real love, but not everyone will find it.

    But, they think I'm a boy | Niall Horan

    'Loving you with whole my heart, but nobody may know.
    Sharing kisses with your lips, but always be forbidden.
    Hiding love and trying hard, but we'll end up alone.
    Life was just so easy, but one decission broke it all.
    No one may find out, cause I'm just a boy.'

    ~Ongeveer om de dag een stukje, soms vaker
    ~One Direction bestaat
    ~Nederlands geschreven
    ~Engels/Nederlands gesproken
    ~Neem abo, ik waarschuw niet
    ~ soundtrack
    ~ Geïnspireerd op "she's the man"
    ~Written by xBritta

    Ik hoop dat je een kijkje/abo neemt!

    Remember the good, never the bad. The best that you've known, is the best that you've had.

    I can feel you | Harry Styles

    She was just a normal girl
    Untill that day
    She was just walking
    She saw a car
    Everything became black

    She opened her eyes
    But she didn't see anything
    They told her she was blind

    Luckily there was one guy
    One guy who made her shine again
    But what if he has to go?
    And everything becomes worse?

    ~ Begint op 19 augustus 2012
    ~ Ft. Harry Styles
    ~ One Direction bestaat
    ~ Soundtrack
    ~ Abo's en reacties motiveren echt

    Remember the good, never the bad. The best that you've known, is the best that you've had.

    The way you bring me back to life
    Wouldn’t trade it for the world, I left behind
    There’s nothing I won’t sacrifice
    You’re all I am tonight

    I will find you, because where my heart is,
    means that you are there too.

    Think carefully and find me, before I die.
    If you really love me, you can find me in
    a few days.
    Love is stronger than you can imagine.

    Een beetje horrorachtig. Het is een thriller. Bevat mishandeling.

    Link: Dangerous Secrets


    Simple but effective.

    A spirit world. -One Direction.

    Een thriller/drama, maar geschikt voor alle leeftijden.

    Reading a good book is like taking a journey.

    Nieuwe story:

    -One Direction story.
    -Geen 16+.
    -One Direction bestaat.
    -Nederlands geschreven.
    -Christmas special! <3

    Ik weet dat het nog geen Kerstmis is, maar ik zit nu al in de kerststemming! En zo kan ik jullie alvast naar die paar mooie dagen toehelpen.

    She's almost a Christmas present, almost. The only thing what's wrong about her is that she's a damn player.

    Klik. (:

    Reading a good book is like taking a journey.

    Prima ballerina • One Direction

    Harry Styles is zestien wanneer hij Roselynn Bennett voor het eerst tegenkomt. Vanaf dat moment volgt hij hoe ze iedere week braaf meedeelt aan haar lessen in de dansstudio tegenover zijn appartement. Rose is met haar hoofd bij heel andere dingen en zijn obsessie is daarom maar eén van de vele dingen die haar achtervolgen. Na twee jaar heeft Harry er genoeg van en haalt hij zijn beste vrienden Niall, Liam, Louis en Zayn over om Rose te ontvoeren. Wat voor de jongens begint als grap, eindigt dramatisch als Harry haar helemaal niet van plan lijkt los te laten.

    # Kan soms 14+ bezitten.


    She’s not who she really is ~ One Direction

    Should I, should I?
    Maybe I'll get drunk again
    I'll be drunk again
    I'll be drunk again
    To feel a little love.


    Stay – One Direction

    Well it's good to hear your voice
    I hope your doing fine
    And if you ever wonder,
    I'm lonely here tonight
    Lost here in this moment and time keeps slipping by
    And if I could have just one wish
    I'd have you by my side

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 sep 2012 - 18:18 ]

    Don't find love, let love find you. <3