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    [ bericht aangepast op 2 aug 2012 - 12:54 ]

    Happiness is a form of courage.

    Ik heb geen tumblr maar ben wel benieuwd naar de andere quotes, so: mijn topics!

    Even the smallest can change the course of the future

    dit is niet de mooiste maar die kon ik niet vinden

    "It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart."

    Happiness is a form of courage.

    You collect mistakes like they’re postcards from exotic places.

    To infinity and beyond •

    You collect mistakes like they’re postcards from exotic places.

    Happiness is a form of courage.

    Oh man, daar heb ik er echt zo veel van :'D

    “I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go.”

    “I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go.”

    comfort in c h a o s

    “I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go.”

    Happiness is a form of courage.

    “I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go.”

    Happiness is a form of courage.

    “I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go.”