• Spreek onbekenden aan en heb leuke, rare gesprekken! Of ga op zoek naar users van Quizlet! Kom er achter via het code woord: Smurf of Worteltje of gewoon Quizlet.

    Have fun!

    PUKKELxDING zei op 6 jan 2012 - 22:09: ip

    Voortaan is dit topic sticky, alle andere topics over Omegle worden verwijderd.

    [ topic verplaatst door een moderator ]

    [ topic verplaatst door een moderator ]

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 dec 2011 - 19:30 ]

    [ bericht aangepast door een moderator op 6 jan 2012 - 22:10 ]

    Eyes schreef:
    Ja, dat had ik ook. Dus ik zei van dat hoef je niet te weten. En toen zei hij, ja maar als jij dat vertelt dan vertel ik jou hoe vaak ik me af trek. En vrij snel daarna heb ik maar gedisconnect

    Groot gelijk dat je hem meteen weg drukte.
    Ik hoop dat ik hem niet tegenkom.
    Nu ben ik met iemand uit Nederland aan het praten.
    Die hier ook op Quizlet zit : )

    I love Cameron Bright,Nick Jonas,Joe Jonas,Kevin Jonas,

    You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!

    Question to discuss:

    I am Voldie.

    Stranger 2: …………_,,,—-,…………………………………………………………………___,,,—~~”¯¯ . . . . . . ,/’
    …………….._,-~’¯ ; ; ; ; ;’\,—-,……………………………………………………….,~” . . . . . . . . . . __,-~~’¯
    ………,_,-~’¯; ; ; ; ;,-’¯¯¯” ‘¯~’\,|,……………………………………………….._,-~’ . . . . . . . ._,–~”’¯¯
    …… ‘¯¯; ; ; ; ; ;_. ,/’ . . .¯’o~- ‘|…………………………………………_,-~-~’¯ . , . . . . ¯¯\, . . ‘\,
    ……¯¯,-~*_ . /’ . ‘\| . . . . . . . .’\…………………………………_,-~*’¯,/’,/’ . . . . .¯¯¯’~—-,,,\,,,, .’\,
    ………..¯¯–, .’\, . . . . . . ,–~-,’ ‘|…………………………_,-~*’¯ ; ;;;;; | .| . . . . . . . . . . . : . .|¯’*| .|
    ……………..”\,-’¯”|, . . .,/’ ¯¯’-/’/………………….._,-~’¯¯; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ‘| .’| . . . . . . . . . .___,,–~’~”|
    ……………….| . . ‘\, . . ‘\,; ; ;|/’.__,-~~–,_,/’¯¯’~'¯; ; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ‘|,’\, —,_,,—~”’¯\\”~””¯¯,–~/”
    ………………/’____ ”’`~-,,,–~”’¯¯ ; ; ; ; ; /’ ; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’\, .’~-,,-~”~—~””~—~~”’¯
    …………….,/’¯’\, . .¯¯,~’;;;;;;; ; ;/’ ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;/ ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’~,–~”¯¯’;,/’
    …………..,/’,–,-~’,_,~” ;/’;;;;;;;;;/’;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;’~-,_,/’/’
    ……….,,~’| /’ /’ . ,~’~-,;;;;;;;;;;;;|;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;,__,,,,,,—–~~”’¯
    ……,~” ,/’/'/ : | .,/’;;;,~’;;;;;;;;;;;;’\,;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;_,-~”¯¯
    ….,/’ ;,/;;;|’ : ,/’;;-~’ ¯¯¯ ;;;;;;;;;;”\, ; ; ;;;;;;; ;_,,,—~~”’¯¯
    …,|;;;;’|;;;| :,/’;;,~’ |;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ‘\;;;;; ; ;;,/’
    …|’;;;;;’|;;| /’,~’;;;;|’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”~-~”¯/
    ..,|;|;;;;;\;||/’;;;;;;;|’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;/’NO HOMO!!!
    ,/’|;’|;;;;;;,|’;;;;;;;;|’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ; ;,/’
    .;;;|;|;;;;,|’;;;;;;;;;;|’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ;,/’
    .;;;|;|;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,/’
    .;;|’;|;;;;|’;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ;|’
    .;;| |;;;;’|;;;;;;;;;;;’|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; |’
    .;;| |;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; |
    .; | |;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; |
    /”| |;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘|
    ..| |;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’\

    Stranger 1: lolololol

    Stranger 1 has disconnected

    Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.

    Midna schreef:

    Ik ben anderhalf uur wakker.. Ik open deze topic, en zie dat gelijk staan O_O
    Dankjewel hea XD

    Sorry maar dat is wat hij vroeg

    Physics is awesome

    You: Hey! (:
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Nou, dat was een lang gesprek. ;D

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 jan 2012 - 18:15 ]

    "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." ~ Albert Einstein

    Caesar schreef:
    You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!

    Question to discuss:

    I am Voldie.

    Stranger 2: …………_,,,—-,…………………………………………………………………___,,,—~~”¯¯ . . . . . . ,/’
    …………….._,-~’¯ ; ; ; ; ;’\,—-,……………………………………………………….,~” . . . . . . . . . . __,-~~’¯
    ………,_,-~’¯; ; ; ; ;,-’¯¯¯” ‘¯~’\,|,……………………………………………….._,-~’ . . . . . . . ._,–~”’¯¯
    …… ‘¯¯; ; ; ; ; ;_. ,/’ . . .¯’o~- ‘|…………………………………………_,-~-~’¯ . , . . . . ¯¯\, . . ‘\,
    ……¯¯,-~*_ . /’ . ‘\| . . . . . . . .’\…………………………………_,-~*’¯,/’,/’ . . . . .¯¯¯’~—-,,,\,,,, .’\,
    ………..¯¯–, .’\, . . . . . . ,–~-,’ ‘|…………………………_,-~*’¯ ; ;;;;; | .| . . . . . . . . . . . : . .|¯’*| .|
    ……………..”\,-’¯”|, . . .,/’ ¯¯’-/’/………………….._,-~’¯¯; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ‘| .’| . . . . . . . . . .___,,–~’~”|
    ……………….| . . ‘\, . . ‘\,; ; ;|/’.__,-~~–,_,/’¯¯’~'¯; ; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ‘|,’\, —,_,,—~”’¯\\”~””¯¯,–~/”
    ………………/’____ ”’`~-,,,–~”’¯¯ ; ; ; ; ; /’ ; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’\, .’~-,,-~”~—~””~—~~”’¯
    …………….,/’¯’\, . .¯¯,~’;;;;;;; ; ;/’ ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;/ ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’~,–~”¯¯’;,/’
    …………..,/’,–,-~’,_,~” ;/’;;;;;;;;;/’;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;’~-,_,/’/’
    ……….,,~’| /’ /’ . ,~’~-,;;;;;;;;;;;;|;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;,__,,,,,,—–~~”’¯
    ……,~” ,/’/'/ : | .,/’;;;,~’;;;;;;;;;;;;’\,;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;_,-~”¯¯
    ….,/’ ;,/;;;|’ : ,/’;;-~’ ¯¯¯ ;;;;;;;;;;”\, ; ; ;;;;;;; ;_,,,—~~”’¯¯
    …,|;;;;’|;;;| :,/’;;,~’ |;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ‘\;;;;; ; ;;,/’
    …|’;;;;;’|;;| /’,~’;;;;|’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”~-~”¯/
    ..,|;|;;;;;\;||/’;;;;;;;|’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;/’NO HOMO!!!
    ,/’|;’|;;;;;;,|’;;;;;;;;|’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ; ;,/’
    .;;;|;|;;;;,|’;;;;;;;;;;|’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ;,/’
    .;;;|;|;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,/’
    .;;|’;|;;;;|’;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ;|’
    .;;| |;;;;’|;;;;;;;;;;;’|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; |’
    .;;| |;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; |
    .; | |;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; |
    /”| |;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘|
    ..| |;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’\

    Stranger 1: lolololol

    Stranger 1 has disconnected


    May the sun bring you new energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries.

    Ghehe, momenteel bekijk ik 2 mensen die doen alsof ze Harry en Hagrid zijn. Gesprek volgt. Het is nog bezig^^

    Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.

    You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!

    Question to discuss:

    Harry, you're a wizard.

    Stranger 1: I am?:O

    Stranger 2: Wow! I never knew!

    Stranger 1: Hey im harry! you're hagrid

    Stranger 2: Ok I'll be hagrad

    Stranger 1: good

    Stranger 1: so..where are we going

    Stranger 2: Im goin to take you shopping for a wand!

    Stranger 1: yes!

    Stranger 1: but first i need money, give it to me!

    Stranger 2: You didn't think your parents left you with nothing now do you?

    Stranger 1: wow.... you'll have to carry it for me though

    Stranger 1: hurry up fatty, i want my wand

    Stranger 2: Ok

    Stranger 2: And remember the wand chooses the wizard

    Stranger 2: Now to go shopping for a pet now that you have a wand what animal do you like?

    Stranger 1: i want a pony

    Stranger 1: a pink, small pony

    Stranger 2: Ok.... Changing the story are we?

    Stranger 1: hehe yeah

    Stranger 1: now where is my pony?!

    Stranger 2: Here you go now he can carry your money

    Stranger 1: no it can't, so you carry my pony, the money, my wand, and me

    Stranger 2: Ok

    Stranger 2: Asshole

    Stranger 1: :O

    Stranger 1: i thought we were friends!

    Stranger 1: fine, i'll just ride to school on my pony

    Stranger 2: Don't leave me Harry!!

    Stranger 1: can't hear you! im almost at school!

    Stranger 1: byebye fatty

    Stranger 2: Well I just teleported to school do beat that

    Stranger 1: oh shit... i forgot that

    Stranger 1: hey you still have my wand!

    Stranger 1: give it back!

    Stranger 2: Your not getting it lalalala!

    Stranger 1: fuck you fat guy! im the greatest wizard in the universe, i'll defeat voldemort!

    Stranger 2: The did not own the beast from the chamber of secrets, he was just a little innocent spider! *one year later*

    Stranger 2: I*

    Stranger 1: no it was not, spiders are gross

    Stranger 1: it was trying to kill the girl

    Stranger 2: No!! It was a bassalisk that Tom riddle commanded!!

    Stranger 1: that's what he wants you to think!

    Stranger 1: it was the spider!

    Stranger 2: (sorry its taking me so long to type I'm using my iPod touch)

    Stranger 1: haha that's ok

    Stranger 2: Was not! Go to the chamber of secrets and see.the entrance is in the girls bathroom

    Stranger 1: ssssttt you're not supposed to say that! but i'll go check anyway

    Stranger 2: I know I'm not but you had to find out so

    Stranger 1: i'll go, but i want you to come with me!

    Stranger 2: me way and ron and hermonie weren't in this

    Stranger 2: Ok

    Stranger 1: so what? make them come!

    Stranger 1: im not going alone

    Stranger 2: Ok I'll come

    Stranger 1: good good

    Stranger 1: OMG YOU WERE RIGHT!:O

    Stranger 1: so it wasn't the spider? but i was so sure!

    Stranger 2: Harry get the sword out Of the hat and kill the bassalisk!

    Stranger 1: do i have to? im kinda tired, why don't you do it

    Stranger 2: But I'm not a true member of griffindor! Only a true member Of griffindor can do it!

    Stranger 1: then what can you do?! you haven't done a thing you lazy pig

    Stranger 2: Ok I will use my awesome magic to kill it and save the day

    Stranger 1: yes you do that

    Stranger 1: and where is that stupid bird that was suppose to help me?!

    Stranger 2: Ok let's go get Ron's sister!

    Stranger 1: yes!

    Stranger 2: Oh no Harry the bassalisk bit you and a bassalisk is extremely poisOnous!

    Stranger 1: WAAAAAAAAAA help me!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stranger 1: do something!!!!!!!!!

    Stranger 1: please tell me you know some first aid

    Stranger 2: The birds tears can heal anything in the world, cut its wings of and cause it pain so it will cry

    Stranger 1: good idea! come here you ugly bird

    Stranger 1: it worked! now kill that oversized snake

    Stranger 2: Ok

    Stranger 1: with you awesome magic

    Stranger 2: See that! I cut its head off!

    Stranger 1: yeeeuuuhhh!! you killed it! now let's complain to the old man that runs this school for not noticing a giant snake

    Stranger 1: we could have been killed!

    Stranger 2: Yeah! And let's kill his cat too

    Stranger 1: yeah!>:)

    Stranger 2: Harry we have to save the prison or of askaban his name is serious black

    Stranger 1: why do i have to save him? i don't know that guy

    Stranger 1: i want to stay here with my pony

    Stranger 2: Take my flying horse and make sure he doesn't kill you

    Stranger 1: are you sure this is save and legal?

    Stranger 2: I'll come with you

    Stranger 2: No it isn't

    Stranger 1: oh well, not that i care, let's go!

    Stranger 2: Yeah! That's the spirit

    Stranger 2: Oh no there's a werewolf!

    Stranger 1: eww it's gross! i'll distract it, and then you use your awesome magic

    Stranger 2: Ok

    En nu stop ik dit, omdat ik naar beneden moet.

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 jan 2012 - 19:38 ]

    Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hey
    Stranger: hi are you a gay guy?
    You: no, i'm a girl
    Stranger: sory
    Stranger: be careful
    Stranger: watch your back
    Stranger: this is going to be a dangerous year
    You: wtf
    Stranger: im serious
    Stranger: be aware of yor surroundings
    Stranger: your *
    You: ok then
    You: and why are you saying thisN
    You: *?
    Stranger: i have a gift
    You: ok
    Stranger: i feel peoples feelings
    Stranger: im a empathy
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Ik zat daar dus echt van what the fack, weirdo

    We Can Be The Kings And Queens Of Anything If We Believe

    Ik ga het nog eens doen :')

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.


    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    You: Nup.

    Stranger: what

    You: Nup. You know? Just Nup.

    Stranger: no, i dont know... hence the inquisition

    Stranger: you dumb fuck

    You: Nup is nup. You are an idiot.

    Stranger: you are a nigger

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.

    Is smurf nog steeds het toverwoord? (:

    You: smurf (:

    Stranger: asl?

    You: 100, f (smurfin, you know), smurfland

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 jan 2012 - 21:41 ]

    Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.

    Haha, ik ben met een Albanees Frans aan het praten xD

    We Can Be The Kings And Queens Of Anything If We Believe

    You: what brings you here at omegle? :')

    Stranger: bored

    Stranger: u

    You: hmm I know that feeling
    the same :')

    i wanna cuddle but dont wanna get u sick

    You: well that's kinda awkward because you don't know what kinda person I am :')

    Stranger: i have a feeling ur a girl prob 14-17 nice likes to have people care about her and want everyone to be her friend

    Stranger: am i close?

    You: hmm not bad :')
    In 18 days, I'm 17
    I'm not sure if I'm nice :')
    I do like it when people care about me
    And about that last I'm not sure
    I'm really shy :')

    You: I'm impressed

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    You: say hi to me :')

    Stranger: HI.

    You: :3

    Stranger: Bet you're from the UK.

    You: wrong :)

    You: why did you think that?

    Stranger: Ohhhhh shit. I'm normally right. :(

    You: :')

    Stranger: Hmmm, US?

    You: nope

    You: :)

    Stranger: OMFG. France.

    You: no :)

    Stranger: Australia?

    You: no

    You: :)

    Stranger: Russia?

    You: haha no :)

    Stranger: China?

    You: no

    Stranger: Italy?

    You: no

    Stranger: Germany?

    You: no

    Stranger: Ireland?

    You: :) nooo

    Stranger: Near Ireland?

    Stranger: Scotland? Wales?

    You: closer to France

    You: no

    Stranger: I failed geography. I have no idea what's near France.

    You: lol :')

    You: you made me laugh :')

    You: well..
    it's near France, Germany and Holland

    Stranger: Spain?

    You: no

    You: :)

    Stranger: Jesus. Sweden?

    You: no :)

    Stranger: Go on then...

    You: I do speak the same language as they do in Germany, Holland and France
    it's a little country...and our capital starts with a B

    Stranger: Hang on, google maps is calling my name.

    You: gosh this is funny ^-^

    Stranger: Belgium?

    You: ding ding ding
    and we've got a winner

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hey
    Stranger: Hey
    Stranger: M or f
    You: f
    You: u?
    Stranger: M
    Stranger: Age?
    You: 14
    You: u?
    Stranger: Cool me too:)
    You: nice
    Stranger: Were u from?
    You: Belgium
    You: u?
    Stranger: Miami
    You: oeh, nice
    Stranger: What's ur hobby?
    You: Ballet and horseback riding
    You: yours?
    Stranger: Sexy
    Stranger: Play soccer an tennis
    You: fun
    Stranger: Yeah
    Stranger: And what r u looking on omegle?
    You: i was bored
    You: u?
    Stranger: Talk with new people and if the person like to have a pervert conversation im pleased to talk to that person
    Stranger: R u some of those pervert girl?
    You: nope
    Stranger: Oh so u don't like conversations about dicks and pussy?
    You: nope
    Stranger: Why?
    You: i'm just not like that
    Stranger: Cool
    Stranger: I was going to masturbate but now u said that u dont like that things
    Stranger: Well I am masturbating actually
    You: i really wanted the know that (you see the sarcasm?)
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    begin dus blijkbaar nooit over sarcasme xD

    We Can Be The Kings And Queens Of Anything If We Believe