• Save You Tonight tells the story of Meggie Welsh, who used to be one of the happiest girls you could meet. When her boyfriend broke up with her, she crashed down. Her whole world seemed to fall apart and she locked herself up in her room for a while. Her friends - Avalanche and Jay T - started to worry, and decided to give her one last option: She would move to London with Jay T and start a new life. A life that did not include her unhealthy addictions - cutting and being as skinny as possible. Meggie wanted help, and she found 5 boys who were willing to help her. They were known as One Direction, an English boyband. But did they succeed in helping her? Or did she find her way to devastation?

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    Visit as many concerts as you can.

    Puur uit interesse, waarom de inleiding in het Engels en het verhaal in het Nederlands? Ik zie dat steeds vaker, en ik vraag me af waarom mensen dat doen.

    I can't even think straight.