And turned into a Deathbat! Hell yeah Avenged Sevenfold! 8D
Me likes
"I didn’t trip, I was just testing the gravity, and it still works"
Nice! Maar waarom in hoofdletters? O:
there is a certain beauty in setting the world on fire and watching from the center of the flames.
Fauvism schreef: Nice! Maar waarom in hoofdletters? O:
It's going to be difficult, but not impossible.
Kyou schreef: Me likes
You keep breathing, that doesn’t mean you’re alive - TABLO (Tommorrow)
DEATHBAT schreef: (...) Omdat hoofdletters leuk zijn. Net als dat ik NAZIPUNK had. Bang, boom, IMPACT!
Omg awesome. 8D
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
Symbol schreef: (...) Heheh het is wel mooi in hoofdletters (vind ik )
Life has many different chapters, one bad chapter doesn't mean the end of the book.
*komt topic binnen en valt spontaan in slaap van verveling*
quidquid excusatio prandium pro