• Hey

    Lees mijn story..


    Stray schreef:

    Ah, okay
    Misschien kun je in dit topic even een link plaatsen en een korte uitleg over het verhaal neerzetten dat trekt iets meer denk ik (":

    Is goed!

    Colibre schreef:
    Your name is lame. No additional information about story is given. I conclude you're a newfag and so my answer is no.

    Even tho I agree, you could mention it on a more friendly way. D:

    Aldridge schreef:

    Even tho I agree, you could mention it on a more friendly way. D:

    @ TwitterQueen, wat een schattig plaatje.

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all. Together we stand, divided we fall

    Colibre schreef:
    Your name is lame. No additional information about story is given. I conclude you're a newfag and so my answer is no.

    Ex astris, sciencia

    StJimmy schreef:
    @ TwitterQueen, wat een schattig plaatje.

    Ik vond Chucky leuker. Ik heb zo'n Tiffany-doll (reteduur maar ik wilde haar zoooo graag, ik krijg misschien de Chucky-doll voor kerst :D)

    Bananen zijn lekker, toch? Zet dit ook in je signature als je ook van bananaaaas houdt!

    Colibre schreef:
    Your name is lame. No additional information about story is given. I conclude you're a newfag and so my answer is no.

    Not every fairy tales ends with: and they lived happily ever after - Prince Harry of Wales

    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

    "Well, well. Look who we've got here!"

    Jackal schreef:
    Your name is lame. No additional information about story is given. I conclude you're a newfag and so my answer is no.

    Ex astris, sciencia

    Jackal schreef:
    Your name is lame. No additional information about story is given. I conclude you're a newfag and so my answer is no.

    "Because I'm with you until the end of the line." - Stucky