• Ad is echt superlekker. :9~

    Your make-up is terrible

    Good to know.

    Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

    ah juist

    I'm like Coca Cola, I can open happiness too.

    Op de laatste foto lijkt hij op die gast van de filmpjes op youtube '50 redenen om...' Alleen dan op de 'gangster' manier.

    Tortuga schreef:
    U serious, girl? (cat)

    Wat is hier de bedoeling van? :8

    All was well.

    Tortuga schreef:
    U serious, girl? (cat)

    26 - 02 - '16

    Tortuga schreef:
    U serious, girl? (cat)

    "Because I'm with you until the end of the line." - Stucky

    Nee eigenlijk niet.


    Tortuga schreef:
    U serious, girl? (cat)

    All I have in life, is my imagniation.