• Weet iemand nog aparte meisjesnamen?

    There's power in the words you whisper.

    Vittoria, Yumi, Florence.

    dat zijn mijn favorieten :3

    Maybe we should doubt our fears instead our dreams.


    If you keep looking for that happy ending, you are never gonna get it right

    Hazel of Maura? Ik weet niet hoe apart de naam moet zijn? :'D

    As travars

    -> Titel aangepast, alleen help is niet toegestaan

    I am an idiot, I move.

    Sarita -wbw

    "Ignite, my love. Ignite."

    Before schreef:

    To infinity and beyond •


    ars moriendi


    Chaos, panic and disorder. I see my work is done here.


    Music makes me high

    Rain, zo wil ik heten.

    I´m nothing special.