Valerie, just graduated from university, swore one thing in her life: Never, but never, fall in love.

Paul, works in George Garages, swore one thing in his life: Never, but never fall in love.

They may have swore it for the same reasons, maybe under circumstances and as consequences of different situations, but the outcome is alike. Never fall in love.

There is just one, tiny, little problem that they didn't count on: sometimes, emotions and feelings cannot be controlled...


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Prologue 144 159 1 decennium geleden

Reageer (1)

  • 1Dsweetygirl

    leukxx \<3 xx
    wil je mijn verhaal ook lezen alsjeblieft .... het heet :love or hate? scream or smile?
    het is met one directionxx en het is echt mooi ...

    1 decennium geleden

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