Just Jade

I'm all along,
But I know where I belong.
I belong in a world where dreams come true,
But then there were you.
You are the one who saved me from being dead,
You make me very glad.
Cause every time I see your smile,
I am happy for al little while.
You make me feel alive again,
But then.
I still had to tell you a secret,
But don't forget.
That you promissed me to stay,
So don't go away.
I need you,
And one's I am going to tell you the trueth.
Becouse if you'll stay whit me I can't hide,
What there is deep inside.

But still I am just Jade.


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
one 422 202 1 decennium geleden
two 144 171 1 decennium geleden

Reageer (2)

  • Rakish

    zuper vet boek!

    1 decennium geleden
  • CrazyMofo

    ahhh leuk! ga je beginnen??

    1 decennium geleden

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