A k-pop story

“She walks down the street. You can see the left traces of her make-up, it has been running down her face. She walks towards me, and when she passes me I feel a shock. I turn around to see two pale blue eyes. They are burning in mine. For one moment I forget to breath.
But as soon it started it is over again. We exhale and look awkwardly away. I hear her draw a breath and I look back at her eyes. She looks up shyly, and as she meets my eyes she smiles weakly. She turns around and walks away.
I shake my head,

I scratch my head and delete the last words. My fingers floating above the letters, but my head empty. My thoughts wander from my story to my day. My bad temper come back up. I had been trying to not think about today. Because every time I think about today, I think about him. And then I think about how long we are flirting but still nothing has happened. I hit my keyboard in anger.

WHY does it have to take so much time. WHY must everyone already know. WHY is it, that there still hasn’t happened ANYTHING. AAARG. I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling.




Maybe I imagine he likes me. Maybe he only thinks of me as a friend.

Maybe that’s why nothing is progressing…

But I like him… right? Do I feel butterflies when he is near?... not really, but I can’t stop smiling when I talk to him. I like to talk to him, and I feel lonely when he left without saying goodbye.

Is that love?....

What is love?

Author note
mijn eerste story in her engels, hope you like it, pleass comment


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