To the green-eyed boy with the freckles,

You left your Valentines' cookies on the train.

In which Castiel acquiers a shockingly abandoned box of cookies on the train, and seeks to return them to their rightful owner. That is, if he doesn't eat them first.

As it turns out, the owner is even more interesting than Castiel already suspected.


Characters belong to SPN writers, etc etc etc, we all know what's going on here.

Yep, I realize a lot of things in this aren't very American, like the age at which they are already doing some specific study (fanfic has led me to suspect that one goes to college first, which is kind of non-specialized, right? I could be wrong though). and also, like, EVERYTHING. I probably should've done reasearch and stuff, and like, put in actual effort, but I'll be honest, I wrote this in two nights in between studying my own film and literature shit, so I couldn't be bothered. I hope it's decently fluffy at least. For whoever on here even reads ridiculous destiel texting fluff.... ENJOY.


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Lucky Hearts 2243 117 7 jaar geleden

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