Story: Red Lipstick - OP
Alcatraz - 1946
Psychologist Elizabeth Swan-Johnson is sent to Alcatraz: the prison island infamous for its dangerous inmates. She expects to only be there to help some of the inmates regain control over their mental health and emotional problems, or help those who are awaiting their release by re-educating them about society. Though what she did not expect was that she would get attached to murderers, bankrobbers and kidnappers, which could mean a severe threat to her as soon as they get past those bar doors parting them from her...
'I will strip myself of everything that defines me and gives me an identity, all you want. But as soon as I'll take off this lipstick I'll be nobody but a stick figure without an identity at all, and that's when this could get really dangerous to me.
I won't know who I am anymore.'
I won't know who I am anymore.'
'When you break the rules in society, you go to prison. When you break the rules in prison, you go to Alcatraz.'
Titel Nieuwste eerst | Woorden | Gelezen | Aangepast | Prologue. | 1060 | 253 | 9 jaar geleden | OO1 - Shocked Idiocracy | 1671 | 226 | 9 jaar geleden | OO2 - This Time It's Murder | 841 | 175 | 9 jaar geleden | OO3 - Four-and-a-half Suppers | 956 | 138 | 9 jaar geleden |
Reageer (1)
Het ziet er mooi uit. De lay-out, bedoel ik. Echt chique.
9 jaar geleden