Story: shotgun~1D Story( PAUZE)
from stressing you out,why dint you call?
your waistin'your time with your lies who-oh-oh
you've been breaking me down
, now t's enough, cause you do it again and again who-oh-oh-oh
i hope that you'll be gone soon i can't take no more. oh-no-oh-oh
i will never fall for your lies again! oh-oh-oh
you shot me right in the face with a shotgun, you shut me right in the face with a shotgun.
you shut me right in the, right in the, right in the face with a shotgun.\
| 1D bestaat |
|ik waarschuw niet, neem een abo |
|eerst, voorstellen dan proloog dan pas het eerste stukje |
* begint op 20 december
* zoek nog co- auteur
Titel Nieuwste eerst | Woorden | Gelezen | Aangepast | Emma Mason Wiston | 32 | 139 | 1 decennium geleden | Headshot 1 | 358 | 113 | 1 decennium geleden | bullet 2. | 363 | 145 | 1 decennium geleden | maybe 3. | 242 | 111 | 1 decennium geleden |
Reageer (1)
Abox Hoop dat je snel verder kan x
1 decennium geleden