Kaitlyn is a 18 year old girl and her best friend is Harry.
They have been friends since primary school.
Now they share an apartment together in London.
Secretly, they are in love with each other, but they are both scared that the other doesn't feel the same.
But would they ever admit it?

There is so much that I wanted to say,
There is so much that I wanted to do,
To show you my love, to show you it's true
I thought it through and I wrote it down,
but when I'm with you I act like a clown.

Your beauty made me too nervous,
There was nothing I could do,
I screwed up big time,
but baby, I did it for you.

I know that I want you, I really know why,
You are perfection, and you're worth every try.

One day I will recover and Ill pull you near,
I'll whisper the words ''I love you'' softly into your ear

Harry E. Styles.

When I see you in the morning it brightens up my day.
There are so many thoughts on my mind and so many words I want to say.
I want to tell you how I feel but the words I can not find.
They're all mixed up with my thoughts that are running through my mind.
You don't even know you're doing this,toying with my heart.
I wish I could just tell you but I don't know where to start.
Should I tell you how much you mean to me or how bad I want to be with you.
If I were to say these things how would you react, what would you do?
Would you never talk to me again? Would you never look my way?
That would just bring me back to where I am today.

Then I'd start all over and choose a different route.
To make you understand my feelings that want out.
I don't know what to do or even how to say .
Maybe I should lock it up and keep myself away.
My heart would ache even more but maybe for the good.
I just really want to tell you only if I could.

Kaitlyn Scarlett Carter

One Direction bestaat Niet
Nederlands geschreven&Nederlands gesproken


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Chapter 1 1149 128 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 2 754 156 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 3 745 111 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 4 458 92 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 5 356 97 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 6 519 103 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 7 474 110 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 8 1059 101 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 9 604 73 1 decennium geleden

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