"Life is Easy, ik blijf het maar zeggen
Maar nogsteeds wetende dat het niet waar is...
Leven is niet makkelijk. Absoluut niet.
Altijd als het ernaar uitziet dat alles goed komt,
wordt dat idee toch weer verpest.

What if nobody loves you?
Nobody cares about you? not even your own mother?
Well.. then it doesn't even matter if you are alive or dead right?
But even how much everybody hates you,
There will always be someone who loves you
Actually 2 people...

But what if you fall in love..?
With both of them...
Well, then you have to choose,
That's what they said, but it's not as easy as it sounds you know..
People sometimes just act like they like you.
It's hard to find someone like me,
Someone who acts like herself,
But then Nobody likes you..

This is my story,
My story of being afraid..
Being afraid of getting hurt, again
But that's no problem,
You get used to,
And being abraid of hurting people, even if they hurted you
But the biggest problem of all is..

I'm afraid of being afraid.

- Macy Destiny Devigne

~ One Direction bestaat nog niet
~ Justin Bieber Bestaat
~ 1D en JB komen pas iets later in het verhaal
~ Kan misschien nog 16+ gaan bevatten (aangegeven)
~ Ik schrijf wanneer ik zin heb (:P))

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