Who is your Harry Potter partner?
Who will be your partner on Hogwarts, the one to possibly share your life with, the one you love the most.
Girls Only.
Mogelijke uitkomsten

Draco Malfoy (34 x uitgekomen)
Draco Malfoy, the pain in the arse but on the other side the most sensitive guy you know. Draco is the one or you 

Harry Potter (71 x uitgekomen)
Harry Potter, the all time favorite of everyone around Hogwarts and the the chosen hero who saves everyone. Harry will be your true love.

Tom Riddle (21 x uitgekomen)
Tom Riddle, the most well known bad ass around the Hogwarts history. If he'll be your partner you'll be lucky.

Ron Weasley (7 x uitgekomen)
Ron Weasley, probably the most biggest chicken and unsteady guy around Hogwarts. He's the one for you.
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Reageer (23)
Dracooo <3
1 decennium geledenHarry, bah.
1 decennium geledenDraco. Always <3
1 decennium geledenHarreh ^^ Btw, het is McGonagall, niet McConagell.
1 decennium geledenHarry will be my true looooove
1 decennium geleden