Best Friends <3
Best Friends <3
When i was little, i always said that i could'nt live without my best friend(s).Now that i'm older and wiser, i think different.
You can live without a best friend.
But who says youre life would be bareable, If you have no one to tell youre deepest thoughts and secrets?
without a person who is always on youre side, explaining to you why the others are on the other side?
So i just KNOW that you NEED a best friend in life.
Because best friends are forever, but forever is nothing without a best friend.
Reageer (4)
Mooi gedicht<3(A)
1 decennium geledenDanku danku
1 decennium geleden*Neemt applaus in ontvangst*
gehehe, het was trouwens maar een hersenspindel tijdens bio
Heel mooi geschreven,
1 decennium geledenen het klopt ook!
Knap gedaan ^^

1 decennium geleden