I looked into the voide and the voide looked back his stare frightened me so I decided I should avoide him next time yet the day after seemingly I still hadn’t learnt that the voide didn’t like me but I pitied him 'cause after all, he was just a voide like you and me so I went and got him a therapist but he didn’t know what to do ‘cause the voide did nothing but staring back so the therapist too decided to avoide him and as everyone came the voide only gazed and as everyone went the voide was sad since ain’t nobody got time for him he became so devoide of faith he started drinking voideka and he kept drinking voideka ‘cause voideka understood // ter ere van Jarne/Debbaut/voide |
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Wauw, ik kan me dit nog vaag ergens herinneren, maar eigenlijk is dit echt prachtig.:')
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