The only words that make me feel special
I is the first one
LOVE the second
YOU is the third one
But what if there’s a fourth word?
What if there’s one in between the first and the second
What if it says
I don’t love you anymore
The words that made me feel special
They’re falling apart
Why’d you have to change them
And break my heart
I is the first one
LOVE the second
YOU is the third one
But what if there’s a fourth word?
What if there’s one in between the first and the second
What if it says
I don’t love you anymore
The words that made me feel special
They’re falling apart
Why’d you have to change them
And break my heart
Reageer (5)
Wauwauwwauw, zoooo moooi. Ik had er nog nooit zo over nagedacht. Prachtigco

9 jaar geledenmoooii(H)
1 decennium geledenPrachtig! En zielig.. Echt mooi <3.
1 decennium geledenGoed geschreven ;o
1 decennium geledenga zo door meid (:
woww mooi
1 decennium geleden