Give up this fight

Every light that once shone
Suddenly has gone out.
And every road I once have known
Turns into a dead end.

And everywhere I turn
I run into my own walls.
And Inside I am alone
With the echoes of my calls.

And everything I try
I just want to forget.
All I do now is cry,
And count the tears that I have shed.

Now the road in front is dark,
And I don’t get any delight
Out of the things I once enjoyed.
And I wonder if
I should just give up this fight.

Reageer (2)

  • periphery

    Dit gedicht raakt mij tot diep in mijn ziel. Blijf vechten, dat probeer ik ook.

    9 jaar geleden
  • Ringwraith

    Wat sad. D:
    Jouw gedichten raken me echt. Ik vind je oprecht een van de beste, of misschien wel de beste, dichter van Q.


    9 jaar geleden

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