A topic with a lot of gossip
A topic with a lot of gossip
From the ashes of an old topic
The Nightclub was destined to rise,
To become another topic
With lots more gossip.
Once the café died,
This nightclub arose,
Again for those
That liked the gossip.
Gossip all around,
The club grew, and grew,
And for the ones that are still able to count,
We’ve filled fifty topics with this gossip.
The Nightclub was destined to rise,
To become another topic
With lots more gossip.
Once the café died,
This nightclub arose,
Again for those
That liked the gossip.
Gossip all around,
The club grew, and grew,
And for the ones that are still able to count,
We’ve filled fifty topics with this gossip.
Door Leah (Numenor)
Reageer (3)
Hahaha, leuk gedicht. ^^
1 decennium geledenHhahaha, awesome
1 decennium geledenAlleen lijkt het nu wel alsof we alleen maar roddelen. *kijkt Leah beschuldigend aan*
Nu lijkt het alsof het topic enkel uit roddelen bestaat, haha.
1 decennium geleden