Mijn verlegenheid,.

Im scared
I feel like I am not allowed to speak

In their company I feel so weak
I'm looking for confidence, I don't know where to seek.

As a little kid the grown ups told me to shut up,
They commanded me, like I was a sort of pup.

I followed their orders,
affraid for deadly looks

I was a energetic and happy kid
I still am, but still scared to get my ass kicked

I always wanted to play with the older children and talk with those adults,
But they were so arrogant and made me like this, that was the result.

Now everyone ask my why I am so silent,
not looking them in the eye

Its because I became really shy
But im not always like this

I can be myself,
but not to everyone.. I wonder why

I wish I always chould be myself
That I had more friends

That people would not call me boring all the time
I can't show who I really am, It frustrates me so I am making this rhyme.

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  • ArtsInvest

    veel beter :D echt leuk
    en mooi geschreven ^^

    1 decennium geleden

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