
I've two faces in society and online
One for the world and one for mine
One with a sad face and one with a smile
To get to know me, would take you a while

Which face is real and which is not ?
They say i'm ugly, they say i'm hot
Is the difference so easy to spot ?
Or has my face been photoshopped ?

Dreams are my true reality
Is this bringing me to insanity ?
Once it has started, it can not be stopped
Yes, my face has been photoshopped

mirrors being positive
And Camera's being negative
The void inbetween the two
Made me wonder ; which is who ?

Reageer (6)

  • Papiliones

    Mooi! Ga zo Door!

    8 jaar geleden
  • Quapo

    Wow wow wow,

    9 jaar geleden
  • Lusk

    Wauw <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • SapereAude


    1 decennium geleden
  • Inviolable

    Het is een prachtig gedicht! :3

    1 decennium geleden

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