My opinion

Im thinking about them and I feel the pain
we will never meet
I love louis harry niall liam and zayn
they make my hearth beat

the blue eyed irish kid
Is always in for food
In his eyes you can see what he did
He has a sparkeling mood

The flirt with his curly hair
Has eyes green as the leaves of a tree
Everything on him has flair
Don't you agree with me?

The sweet lovely "daddy" of the boys
Helps everyone with everything
He loves to watch the story of toys
I fell in love when he started to sing

Red pants, striped shirt
you already know who I mean
This is also a funny flirt
funny, crazy but still kean

Black hear and eyes to drown in
he is so hot
he is strong and quite thin
but too thin is he not

You probably know where this is about
don't mention my bad english
Zorg dat je dat onthoud (N)

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