Friends are the ones who are there for you.
Whatever you do, they are there right behind you.
They will protect you against danger.
They will perfectly know what your feelings are, when and why.
They will take care of you, no matter what.
They will be worried about your health.
He/she will be loyal too you.
If a person does this for you, you can call it a friend.
Friends are a big part, a very big part of your life.
They will stay forever with you.
You should do the same thing for them.
If a person does this most of the time not and you name it a friend,
He/she isn't worth the title friend.
The label you can give to that person is: somebody-that-I-know.
And if you decide to love someone whit whole your hearth,
make sure he/she; respects you,
makes you happy,
is a really good friend,
trust you,
love you too with his/her whole hearth and most important of all.
Make sure he/she give you the most beautyfull feeling of the world: love,
This person would be your whole world.
And that, my dear, that is the person that you can call your Love.
- Anne
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