Glee Song poem

I recall the days went by,
When I'd say "Don't stand so close to me."
I was happy just dancing with myself,
Until one day you started to show your true colors.
I was at the mercy of a crush,
I wasn't ready to push it.
Even though you were somebody to love,
I just wanted to be on my own,
But as time went on I fell crazy in love.
I believe in taking chances,
And I didn't want to be alone.
I said "Maybe this time I'll be lucky."
I told myself "I can't fight this feeling any more."
The day came when I felt as if there were no air.
I asked you to be my sweet Caroline.
You made it feel as if we were defying gravity,
Just you and I with our endless love.
People disagreed, I replied, "Don't rain on my parade."
While friends said, "Don't stop believing."
All I could do was smile,
All I wanted to do was jump.
I felt like I was walking on sunshine,
Your embrace like a halo.
I am telling you I'm not going,
That you can lean on me.
And no matter the case I'll stand by you.
It is time for you to take a bow,
Because my life would suck without you.

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