Foto bij O73. Special Edition

Uhm so yeah... Sorry dat ik jullie een week heb laten wachten. Ik zat nogal in een schrijversdipje en dat wilde ik niet in het verhaal laten merken. Ik ben er nu weer vanaf, so don't worry <3

HA. Ik heb jullie in spanning gehouden hè? Voor de mensen die trouwens niet meer wisten waarom Joy zo heftig op licht reageert, lees dit hoofdstuk nog maar een keer: klik xx

Deze story is niet geschikt voor alle leeftijden. Daarom is deze alleen te lezen als je bent ingelogd. Zo houden we leuk voor alle bezoekers.

Reageer (88)


    aaaah NIALLER IS ZEH BEST ! <33'

    1 decennium geleden
  • InvisiblePHT

    HAHAHHAHAHAH Saint Niall, lol.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Marieke1D

    Saint Niall :) fantastisch xD
    you get a Kudooo

    1 decennium geleden
  • ZeroGravity

    "What happened to Saint Niall?" AHA, GENIUS. XD
    Niall is echt te lief, niet normaal. I think everyone should have a boyfriend as caring and cute and lovely and sweet and thoughtfull as you describe him. Gosh. Yes. And I actually believe Niall would be that kind of a boyfriend in real life as well.
    I think Joy perfectly suits him, actually. Although she's a bit. well, you know, you wrote her -Joyish sometimes, and sometimes a bit scary, she is just too perfect for him. These two people are really to perfect for eachother.
    And. I love that you wrote another piece again. 'cuz, like, I went crying and shouting all over the place when I noticed you did, and I'm so happy I have an hour off so I can read this and tell you again how very much I'm in love with your brilliant story.
    And. I'm very glad your back on track, when it comes to writing -'cuz I know how bad it can feel when you're like, I dunno, without inspiration and everything, it sucks so bad, most of the time [in my case, it does, tho.]
    And. I'm gonna give you a kudo, give my computerscreen a big hug for showing your story on it right now and I really wanted to say something more about this, discussing the brilliantness of it all, but I forgot what I wanted to say, really, and I'm in a bit of a hurry since I gotta go back to school in five minutes [where I'll have PE. Screw that.]
    And. I used a lot of ands in this comment [which was, I'm sorry, entirely written in English, because your story makes me do that sometimes. Although I don't really think you mind.]
    And. Now I'm gonna thank you for ever deciding to write this magnificent piece of artwork, give you a virtual hugs and tons of virtual cookies and kisses. 'Cuz I love this so much. *screaming and running all over the place.*
    Yes. I do. And now I'm off to school. And about to give you a kudo.
    Cheerio and lots lots lots of love <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Loveanimals

    Ahhhhhh dit is zoooo lief van niall (L)
    Snel verder!!!!!!!!!

    1 decennium geleden

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