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Reageer (77)

  • ZeroGravity

    Ohjesus, poor Joy.
    You actually. I was planning to say gobsmacked me and I really wouldn't know what to say right now...
    I just hope Zayn's right and she can be kept from exploding by putting some sunglasses on. Because she couldn't... she just can't, like -I don't know. Well, you get me. That would be so sad I don't actually got the words to state clear how sad and omygoshIcan'tbelieveit that would be.
    God, you got me freaking out over here. ;o
    But still, I think she will freak out, actually. I just expect her to -and, I mean, why wouldn't she? If I were her, I wouldn't even try to think of something like that. I mean, all those people and the fact there are those burning lights everywhere -I'd go crazy. Jesus.
    I understand her and fear for her. I love the fact you write this so well that I actually get the feeling I'm in the story, andand, therefore, I am now going crazy. 'Cuz she couldn't spoil the thing she's got with Niall, because she was so happy with him and. like. Niall's happy and I. OMYGOD.
    I'm just not gonna say anything else, 'cause that would just. spoil everything and this comment is already crap like Twilight and and and. I just don't know what to say 'cuz everything that's going on in this, just freaks me out and I'm worried and I. well.
    And I still love this story so much. I think just as much as Joy loves Niall, as she put it:
    "Ugh, ik hield zo veel van deze idioot dat het bijna eng werd."
    I loved that bit. And sorry for this comment being entirely written in English -happens. get to express myself a bit better in a foreign language, sometimes.
    <3 Lots of love, and good luck on your exams. (flower)

    1 decennium geleden
  • XxSoccerxX

    Love it!!
    Succes met je toetsen!
    Snel verder:D!

    1 decennium geleden
  • MCourtois

    Mooi !
    Succes (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • LivHoran

    luuuvly again :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Nixon


    1 decennium geleden

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